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Biodiversity Science
2012 Issue 6
yun nan ai lao shan guo jia bao hu qu ji ge guo du dai shu gan fu sheng tai zuo de wu zhong zu cheng yu duo yang xing
Yuanlin Yao1;2**;Wenyao Liu1*;Wenzhang Ma3**;Liang Song1;2 1 Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology;Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223 2 University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049 3 Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography;Kunming Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650223
bao hu qu zhou bian nong hu dui lv se nong ye ren zhi du fen xi
Changhai Wang;Lijuan Cui *;Xufeng Mao Research Institute of Wetland;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Beijing 100091
hu bei shen nong jia shan di mi xin shui qing gang - duo mai qing gang hun jiao lin de qun luo dong tai
Jielin Ge1;2;Gaoming Xiong1;Longqiang Deng3;Changming Zhao1;Guozhen Shen1;Zongqiang Xie1? 1 State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093 2 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049 3 Administration Bureau of Shennongjia National Nature Reserve;Shennongjia;Hubei 442421
di 97 jie mei guo sheng tai xue hui nian hui zai e le gang zhou bo te lan zhao kai
xing ding liang ; zuo fei ; yuan zuo qiang ; wang xu gao ;
xin shi qi wo guo shi di zi ran bao hu qu xu jie jue de zhu yao wen ti ji xiang guan jian yi
Xinyi Huang1;Jiakuan Chen2;1* 1 Institute of Biodiversity Science;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433 2 Institute of Watershed Ecology;Nanchang University;Nanchang 330031
xin dui bu tong fa yu shi qi zi dai guo ying ji yin zu dna jia ji hua de ying xiang
Xinxin Guo;Xue Mao;Min Zhang* College of Life Sciences;Shaanxi Normal University;Xi’an 710062
qing cang gao yuan te you he ben ke zhi wu san rui cao shou wei xie deng ji ping gu
Weiwei Li1;2;Hui Zhang2;Lina Zhao2;Ying Bao1*;Wenli Chen2* 1 College of Life Sciences;Qufu Normal University;Qufu;Shandong 273165 2 State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093
zuo wu ye sheng jin yuan zhong de yan jiu yu bao hu xu yao zhong shi
Keping Ma State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093
guang xi 3 ke zhi wu nei sheng ni pan duo mao zuo duo yang xing
Man Li 1;Weiwang Chen 1;Jiguang Wei 1*;Lisha Song 1;Songdian Huang2;Jitong Luo3;Xiuhu Pan4 1 College of Agriculture;Guangxi University;Nanning 530005 2 Nanning Liangfengjiang National Forest Park of Guangxi;Nanning 530031 3 Forest Pest and Disease Control Station of Guangxi;Nanning 530022 4 Guangxi Gaofeng Tree Farm;Nanning 530001
si zhong tong yu fen bu dong chao niao de chao zhi te zheng bi jiao
Chunfa Zhou1;Daqing Zhou1;2;Xiangkun Kong1;3;Wenhong Deng1* 1 Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Sciences and Ecological Engineering;College of Life Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875 2 Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences;Ministry of Environmental Protection;Nanjing 210042 3 Beijing NO.165 High School;Beijing 110010
ji yu biao ben xin xi chu ping nang ban qin shu liu ge zhong de jue mie feng xian
Lisong Wang*;Lina Zhao;Haining Qin Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093
li yong ssr biao ji fen xi qie lian zuo wan dou zhuan hua xing de yi chuan duo yang xing
Ni Xiang1;2;Yannong Xiao2;Canxing Duan1;Xiaoming Wang1;Zhendong Zhu1* 1 Institute of Crop Science;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement;Beijing 100081 2 College of Plant Science and Technology;Huazhong Agricultural University;Wuhan 430070
tong wei kuang fu ken di yu wai wei lin di tu rang dong wu qun luo jie gou
Yongheng Zhu1;2*;Xiaohui Zhang1;2;Fei Shen1;2;Lin Lu1 1 College of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241003 2 Anhui Key Laboratory of Natural Disasters Process and Prevention;Wuhu 241003
du juan shu zhi wu qian di bao yu shi ying xing ping jia
Ping Zhuang1;2;3*;Yuanrun Zheng1;2;3;Huimin Shao3;Fei Wang3 1 West China Sub-alpine Botanical Garden;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dujiangyan;Sichuan 611830 2 Laboratory of Resource Plants;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093 3 Beijing Botanical Garden;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093
quan qiu luo zi zhi wu wu zhong bian mu : xian zhuang he wen ti
Yong Yang* State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093
qi hou bian hua yu hai yang sheng wu duo yang xing guan xi yan jiu jin zhan
Jianguo Du1;William W.L.Cheung2;Bin Chen1*;Qiulin Zhou1;Shengyun Yang3;Guanqiong Ye4 1 Third Institute of Oceanography;State Oceanic Administration;Xiamen 361005;China 2 Fisheries Centre;The University of British Columbia;Vancouver;V6T 1Z4;Canada 3 College of Ocean and Earth Sciences;Xiamen University;Xiamen 361005;China 4 Department of Biological Sciences;National University of Singapore;117543;Singapore
nan hai bei bu ye guang zao zhong qun de shi kong fen bu ji qi huan jing shi ying xing
Yu Wang;Youyin Ye;Mao Lin *;Xingqun Chen Third Institute of Oceanography;State Oceanic Administration;Xiamen 361005
guan guang mu pian duan hua ju qun de yi chuan duo yang xing he jiao pei xi tong
Xia Wang1;2;Jing Wang1;Jinghu Jiang1;2;Ming Kang1* 1 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization;South China Botanical Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510650 2 University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049
yi chuan zi yuan huo qu yu hui yi fen xiang de ming gu wu yi ding shu zun yue ji zhi de tan pan jin zhan yu dui ce
Jing Xu1;2;Junsheng Li 2;Dayuan Xue1* 1 College of Life and Environmental Sciences;Mingzu University of China;Beijing 100081 2 State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012