nan fang qiu ling shan qu nong ye sheng tai huan jing de gai shan yi wu hua xian xin yi cun wei li
Zhong Jihong;Tang Shuying;Tan Jun(Guangdong Insti-tute of Soil Science,Guangzhou 510650).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):52-54. Xinyi village represents a typical hilly and mountainous area in Guangdong province. As a result of pro-longed extensive exploitation of natural resources,its agro-ecological environment was worsened.Through harnessing the land resources of this area with various effective measures, the environment is progressively being improved.AgricuItural production is progressing with fine recycling and consequent-ly,grain production and other incomes are gradually increased.
huang mo sha zuo de nian ling hua fen
Xu Haigen(Nanjing Institute of Enuiron-mental Sciences;210042),Yang Fengxiang(Lanzhou Uniuersity,730000);Song Zhiming(Sichuan Uniuer-sity,Chengdu 610064).Chinese Journal of Ecology;1993,12(4):30-32.Using mark-recapture method and according to the snout-vent length growth pattern,five age groups of Phry,iocephalus przewalskii on deserts are differentiatecd.And based on the data of lizards morpholo-gy,the community of Phrynocephalus przewalskii with 30-81mm snout-vent length is differentiated in-to five body length groups by fuzzy cltster analysis method,which are basically in accordance with corre-sponding age groups,These biological and mathematlcal methods are both proved to be feasible in age dif-ferentiation of Phrynocephalus przewalskii.
nan shan nuan xing ci sheng zhen ye lin de fuzzy shu xue fen lei
Yu Xiaoping(Department of Biology,Chongqing Teachers’College,630047);Chinese Journal of Ecology, 1993,12(4):23-26.Numerical classifications are made for masson pine communities in warm secondarv coniferous forest at Nansan mountain. Fuzzy aggregation analysis is applied,and six asxoclation groups and ten associations are classified.The results of classification coincide with actual conditions of vegetation resources.
tai yue shan qiu ling di dai zhong guo lin wa cheng ti de fei man du he mou xie qi guan xi shu de ji jie bian hua
Lu Xin(Shanxi Institute of Biology,Taiyuan 030006).Chinese Journal of Ecolo-gy,1993,12(4):33-35.Investigations were carried out frorn February 1989 to April 1990 in Taiyue mountain of Shanxi province.The adult’s corpulence degree of common frogsis higher during hibernation aidlowest in May and June,and that of males is signlficantly higher than females’(except in August). During April-August,the coef-ficients of liver and fat are low,but begin to rise rapidly after August ai1d peak before hibernation. The co-efficient of gonad has a variation tendency roughly as same as that of liver and fat,but still riseb during hi-bernation and reaches maximum befOre reproduction. There are rernarkable differences for all indices be-fore and after hibernation. During hibernation,the decline rates of all indices for females are higher than those for males(except for gonad).
liao ning sheng zai hai qu hua chu tan
Yin Gongcheng (Liaoning Inslitute of Agri-cultural Divisioning;Shenyang 110031),Liang Wenju (Inslilute of Applied Ecology;Academia Sinica,Shenyang 110015).Chinese Journal of Ecology;1993,12(4):61-65.Natural calamities occur when variOus natural phenomna endanger life,minds and properties,but some potential environmental disasters such as rnan-made and anthropogenous natural disasters develop slow-ly and profoundly,whlch are unobvious and not readily understandable.Thixpaper deals with the impacts of potential envlronmental disasters on agricuIture,and based on the geographic differentiation and calami-tous characteristics in Liaoning province,sets a framework of calamity divisioning and provides a guidance for preventing calarnities in this province.
xiao qing he you ji hua he wu wu ran ji qi dui wu guan qu sheng tai xi tong de ying xiang
Tian Jiayi;Zhang Hongkai;Bao Jingmei;Wang Fuhua;Yu Rongyun(Enuironmental Monitoring Slation of Binzhou Prefecture;Shandong Prouince;Binzhou 256614).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):14-22.This paper makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds in industrial pollution sources;water body and bottom mud of Xiaoqing river and soils,underground water and agricultural products of sewage-irrigated area;studies their category,source,distribution and turnover in farmland ecosystems of sewage-irrigated area;carries out germination test and pot and field experiments with wheat to reveaI the influence of sewage irrigation on crop growth and development;and studies the harm of this irrigation on human health by means of epidemiological investigation and rnutation test.Based on the influences of this sewage irrigation on ecosystems,a cornprehensive prevention and control measure is put forward.
dou ke mu cao yu dong xiao mai jian zuo de nong tian sheng tai xiao ying
Mao Kai;Zhou Shourong(Sichuan Agricultural Universily,Yaan 625014).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):55-57.Ecological researches on the intercropping of forages with wheat were carried out during 1989-1990.Theitems include relative light intensity,temperature,temperatural variation,relative humidity and soil rnois-ture and nutrient contents. The results are summarized in detail and effective measures for soil protection are mentioned.
lu sheng ji zhui dong wu sheng tai xue yan jiu de guo qu xian zai he jiang lai
(Institute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology,the Former Academy of Sclences of Soviet Union).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):66-71。This paper describes the main stages, directions and items of ecological research in the former soviet U-nion. Ecological research in the country was restroded by many suUective and oUective factors and still lags behind the world level in many aspects such as population dynamics theory,community research,eco-physiclogy,application of calculation techniques etc, The most important trends of ecological research deterrnined by the developn1ental processes of human scientific thinking and new requirements of practical activities are discussed in the paper.
bu tong sheng tai tiao jian xia ping guo ye mian fu sheng wu zhong qun yan ti de chu bu yan jiu
Chen Gongyou;Zheng Tiemin;Ren Guolan;Shi Xiangyang(Henan,Agricultural Uniuersity,Zhengzhou 450002),Guo Yanchun (Henan General Station of plant protection;Zhengzhou 450002),Song Aixian(Horlicultural Farm of Zhengzhou Municipality;Zhengzhou 450002).(Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):7-13. Seasonal variations of epiphytic microflora on apple phylloplane were studied by washing and centrifugat-ing during its growing season in 1991 in natural and disease-control orchards.The results indicate that-the population and number of species of both epiphytes and pathogens vary significantly during the sea-son. Under natural condition,the total amount of epiphytic bacteria peaks earlier than that of fungi.Both of the peaks emerge later than that of pathogens,The populations of epiphytes and pathogens are signifi-cantly affected by precipitation and fungicides. 358 isolates of epiphytes are indentified into 36 fungus-species and at least 4 bacterium genera,Dominant species of epiphytes in early season greatly differ from those in late season,but some eplphytes present consistently during the season. There are no obvious dif-ferences among populations of epiphytes in different ecological regions. Biologlcal control of pathogens in orchards is discussed.
ren lei sheng chan huo dong dui tu rang sheng tai xi tong de ying xiang
Wu Zhijie(Inslitute of Applied Ecology,Academia Sini-ca,Shenyang 110015).Chinese Journal of Ecology;1993,12(4):47-51.The relationship between hurnan activity and soil ecosytem is analysed.Soil ecological structure and its function are greatly influenced by human activities,such as farming,fertilization,irrigation and pollution.Soil ecosystem urgently needs to be protected.
dao lu nong tian fang hu lin xi tong shui fen guan xi yan jiu
(Beijinig Foreslry Uziuersity,100083),Wang Youmin(Northwestern College of Forestry,Yangling,Shaanxi,712100).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):1-6.In the region from loess plateau to North Wei River,20-100cm soil laver is the main laver from which the root system of P.×dakuanensis Hsu absorbs water,and 0-0. 1H is the range in which P.×dakua-nensis by the roads strongly affdcts by the roads strongly affects moisture condition of farmland.The annual transpiration consurnption of farmland shelterbelt svstem by the roads is 589.9mm,9.8%of which is consumed bv P.×dakuanen-sis. In 1988-1989,the average moisture content of 0-350cm soil layer in the system is 1.O%higher than control; Meanwhile,the difference in the aspect of growing seasons of trees and crops reduces the contra-diction between water supply and demand in the affected area.
sheng tai wei li lun ji qi zai sen lin sheng tai xue yan jiu zhong de ying yong
Zhu Chunquan(Inslitute of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100091),Chinese Journal of Ecology;1993,12(4) :41-46.The development of niche theory and its application in forest ecological study are reviewed in this paper.It is pointed out that the functional action of plant unit was not involved in previous niche concepts, The particularities of niche of plant unit are discussed and a new method is developed to determine it with pho-tosynthetic production as a functional index. This method can be applied to studv the mechanisms of in-ter/intra-species competition;community structure and dynamics in forest ecosyStem.
zui da gai lv yuan li zai nong tian sheng tai xi tong zhong de ying yong
$$$$Yao Jianmin(Inslilute for Com-prehensive Survey of Agricultural Resources,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Taiyuan 030006),Ma Rongli(Inslitute of Vegetable Researcgh;Shanxi Academy of agricultural Sciences;Taiyuan (030006).Chinese ,Jpurnal of Ecology;1993,12(4):58-60.In order to strengthen the practicability of maximum probability principle,this paper gives out some es-sential conditions needed for applying the principle to practice and puts forward a calculating method ofincreasing functions in optimum constitution system. The optimum constitution of farmland ecosystem ofwheat production in Linyi county of Shanxi province is analyzed.It’s proved that the calculating method isreasonable and achieves flood results.Kcy words :maximum probability, calculating method, farmland ecosystem.
zhi wu hua xue sheng tai yan jiu cu jin sheng tai nong ye jian she
Zhu Xinru(Research Center for Eco-enuivironmental Sciences.Academia Sinica,Beijing 100085).Chinese Journal of Ecology,1993,12(4):36一40。Phytoallelopathy affects the function and dynamics of agro-system;and phytochemical ecological re-search will benefit the construction of eco-agriculture, which displays in the following main aspects:weed control, establishment of reasonal cropping system, implementation of crop genic optimization,re-duction of applying synthetic chemicals and control of insect pests.
da lian chao jian dai di qi hai zao qun luo de shu liang te zheng he you shi zhong de ji jie bian hua
Xiong Shaojun;Wang Xianping;Guo Xuguang(Department of Biolo-gy,Liaoning Normal Uniuersity,Dalian 116022).Chinese Journal of Ecology;1993,12(4):27-29.The composition,coverage,biornass and dorninant species of benthic seaweed cornmunlty within intertidal in Dalian,China were monthly investigated frorn March 1990 to March 1991.It isxhown that 1).the gen-eral tendency of seasonal quantitative variation of beaweed communities is later spring and early surnrner >auturn>mid-summer>winter. 2).there are significant quantitative difference(p<0.001)and remark-able replacement of domlnant Species among differeiit communities in the seasons regardless of any habi-tat,which rnight imply that the seasonal variation should include both inner-and inter-alterations of communities. 3).habitats have a very significant effect(p<0.001) on the seasonal variation of seaweed communities,i.e. the extent of seasonal variation among different habitats can be ranked as mid-inter-tidal>low intertidal>high intertidal>rock-pools,aidthat of disturbance made by sea wave and expo- sure can be ranked as rock pools<low intertidal<mid-intertidal<high intertidal.