The concept and application of carbon sequestration potentials in plantation forests
WEI Xiaohua;ZHENG Ji;LIU Guohua;LIU Shirong;WANG Weifeng;LIU Yuanqiu;BLANCO A.Juan;University of British Columbia;College of Forestry;Jiangxi Agricultural University;Research Center for Eco-Evironmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Forest Ecology and Environmental Protection;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Universidad Pública de Navarra;
Review on historical range of variability in forest landscape
LI Yuehui;WU Wen;WU Zhifeng;CHANG Yu;CHEN Hongwei;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology;Research Center for Eco-environmental Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang University;
The influence of habitat types on bird community in urban parks
YANG Gang;WANG Yong;XU Jie;DING Youzhong;WU Shiying;TANG Haiming;LI Hongqing;WANG Xiaoming;MA Bo;WANG Zhenghuan;School of Life Sciences;East China Normal University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration;East China Normal University;Forestry Station of Pu Dong New District;Shanghai Science and Technology Museum;Department of Wildlife Protection and Management Administration;
Using hybrid giant napier to treat municipal sewage sludge and produce plant biomass
LIN Xiaoyan;WANG Hui;WANG Hao;CHEN Cheng;WU Qitang;WEI Zebin;LUO Yingpeng;CHEN Xiaohong;Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Waste Reuse in Agriculture of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes;College of Natural Resources and Environment;South China Agricultural University;Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;