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Acta Ecologica Sinica
2006 Issue 1
The fate of antibiotics in environment and its ecotoxicology: A review
WANG Ran;LIU Tie-Zheng;WANG Tian
Priority analysis on conserving China's terrestrial ecosystems
XU Wei-Hua;OUYANG Zhi-Yun;HUANG Huang;WANG Xiao-Ke;MIAO Hong;ZHENG Hua
Hierarchical responses to grazing defoliation in a clonal plant Kobresia humilis
ZHU Zhi-Hong;WANG Gang;WANG Xiao-An
Carbon sequestration of China's National Natural Forest Protection Project
HU Hui-Feng;LIU Guo-Hua
Effects of grazing of livestock on grassland
HOU Fu-Jiang;YANG Zhong-Yi
The present and future research on preferential flow
NIU Jian-Zhi;YU Xin-Xiao;ZHANG Zhi-Qiang
Landscape planning model and primary studies on landscape rhythm
ZONG Yue-Guang;ZHEN Feng
Review of foreign opinions on evaluation of ecosystem services
YANG Guang-Mei;LI Wen-Hua;MIN Qing-Wen
Advancements in reproductive assurance and delayed selfing
RUANG Cheng-Jiang;QIN Pei;YIN Zeng-Fang
Review on coral reefs biodiversity and ecological function
ZHAO Mei-Xia;YU Ke-Fu;ZHANG Qiao-Min
Calculation of ecological water requirements for in-stream in the Lancang River,Yunnan Province, China
HU Bo;CUI Bao-Shan;YANG Zhi-Feng;WANG Juan;ZHAI Hong-Juan;YAO Min
Investigation on the pollution of organoarsenical additives to animal feed in the surroundings and farmland near hog farms
WANG Fu-Min;CHEN Zhang-Liu;SUN Yong-Xue;GAO Yan-Ling;YU Jing-Xian
An analysis of ecological adaptability on Tetraena mongolica Maxim populations
YANG Chi;ZHI Ying-Biao;ZHENG Rong
Effects caused by highway construction on plant biomass of roadsides in longitudinal range-gorge region
LIU Jie;CUI Bao-Shan;YANG Zhi-Feng;DONG Shi-Kui;YAO Wei-Ke
Ecological effects of typical POPs on soil protozoa
GUO Fei-Fan;SHI Ya-Juan;MENG Fan-Qiao;CHEN Jing-Sheng;L(U) Yong-Long
Spatial variability and distribution of soil nutrient contents along different environmental gradients of Yilong lake shore
ZHAI Hong-Juan;CUI Bao-Shan;ZHAO Xin-Sheng;LIU Shi-Liang;HU Bo;YAO Min
The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on AMF community colonized in roots of various plant species
YANG Ru-Yi;TANG Jian-Jun;CHEN Xin;CHEN Jing;JIANG Qi-Qing;Shujin HU
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil enzyme activities at different nitrogen level
YUAN Xue-Xia;LIN Xian-Gui;CHU Hai-Yan;YIN Rui;ZHANG Hua-Yong;HU Jun-Li;ZHU Jian-Guo
Effects of vegetation cover and precipitation on the process of sediment produced by erosion in a small drainage basin of loess region
YU Xin-Xiao;ZHANG Xue-Xia;LI Jian-Lao;ZHANG Man-Liang;XIE Yuan-Yuan
Fog interception and its relation to soil water in the tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, Southwest China
LIU Wen-Jie;LI Peng-Ju;LI Hong-Mei;ZHANG Yi-Ping;DUAN Wen-Ping
The characteristics of community structure of soil mites from different habitats in Changchun area
WU Dong-Hui;ZHANG Bai;BU Zhao-Yi;CHEN Peng
Characteristics of soil fauna in the Dongjiao coco forest ecosystem in Hainan
TANG Ben-An;TAGN Min;CHEN Chun-Fu;QIU Peng-Hua;LIU Qiang;WANG Min-Ying;LI Cui-E
Availability of different organic carbon fractions of paddy soils under two heavy metal contamination levels
LI Yong-Tao;DAI Jun;Thierry Becquer;Cécile Quantin;Marc Benedetti;Patrick Lavelle
Diurnal variation of water and heat flux under transient water stress in a winter wheat field
GUO Jia-Xuan;MEI Xu-Rong;LIN Qi;ZHAO Quan-Sheng;LU Zhi-Guang
Relationships among MDA content, plasma membrane permeability and the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Puccinellia tenuiflora seedlings under NaCl stress
WANG Yue-Xia;SUN Guo-Rong;WANG Jian-Bo;CAO Wen-Zhong;LIANG Jian-Sheng;YU Zheng-Zhe;LU Zhao-Hua
The relationship between light energy utilization and dissipation of PSⅡ of Puccinellia tenuiflora seedlings and osmotic potential of culture solution under Na2CO3 stress
WANG Jian-Bo;SUN Guo-Rong;CHEN Gang;CAO Wen-Zhong;LIANG Jian-Sheng;YU Zheng-Zhe;LU Zhao-Hua
Effects of Na2CO3 stress on the ultrastructure of mesophyll cells in Puccinellia tenuiflora
WEI Cun-Xu;WANG Jian-Jun;WANG Jian-Bo;ZHOU Wei-Dong;SUN Guo-Rong;LIANG Jian-Sheng