Toxic effect of nonylphenol on Phaeodactylum triconutum and its mechanism
LI Gen1;GUAN Chao1;2;AN Min3;DUAN Shun-shan1 1.Department of Ecology;Jinan University;Key Laboratory of Aquatic Eutrophication and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes;Guangzhou 510632;China 2.The Meizhou Environmental Monitoring Center;Meizhou Guangsdong 514000;China 3.Environmental and Analytical Laboratories;Faculty of Science;Charles Sturt University;Wagga Wagga;NSW 2678;Australia
Simulated. study on phosphorus release from the soils of water-level-fluctuating zone in Baihua Reservoir
CHEN Feng-feng1;LI Qiu-hua1;LONG Jian1;JIAO Shu-lin2;LIU Song-pin1;LI Xiao-feng1;TIAN Tao5 1.Key Laboratory for Information System of Mountainous Area and Protection of Ecological Environment of Guizhou Province;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China 2.School of Geographic and Environmental Sciences;Guizhou Normal University;Guiyang 550001;China 3.Zhejiang fuchun ziguang environmental protection co.;ltd.;Hangzhou 310012;China