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Ecological Economy
2010 Issue 10
Watershed Ecosystem Management and Simulation Calculation Models
ZHAO Qingjian;WEN Zuomin
Lessons of EU ETS and its Revision for China
LI Jianxun
Analysis on the Comparison of the Energy-Use in Bohai-Rim Region
FENG Rui;BAI Hongtao;CHEN Shengnan
A Study of Dynamic Differences of Ecotourism Industry in Gansu Province
LI Lijuan;ZHANG Bo
Welfare Effects of Tourism Economies:A Review
ZHENG Fang;CHEN Tian;JI Xiaomei;HOU Ying
The Thought of Water Ethics of Dam Technology under the Globalization
CAO Shunxian;WANG Guopin
Low Carbon Economy in China
CAI Bofeng;ZHAO Nan
Emergy Analysis of Agroecosystem in Tianjin
GAO Hongmei;CAO Zhihong;HAO Jinmin
A New Thinking of the Basic Questions of Ecological Economics
LI Peng;YANG Guihua
Investigation on Storage and Treatment of Family Waste Clothing
ZU Yidan;LI Xiaoying;CUI Shaoying
The Ecological Illumination of Confucius\' Economics Thought
ZHAO Mairu
Analysis of the Impact of Ecological Immigration Policy
Dagula;Hugejiletu;SHI Zhu
The Food Ecological Risk Comprehensive Assessment
LIU Wei;ZHANG Chunxun
Research Sustainable Development of Building Materials Industry during After Kyoto Era
CAO Aihong;HAN Botang;QI Antian
hai yang wu ran he ri xiu ?
Study of the Index System of Low-Carbon Cities Based on DPSIR Model
SHAO Chaofeng;JU Meiting
The Impact on the Energy Efficiency in the Agro-ecosystems in China Based on Grey Relevancy Theory
RAN Qinghong;YUE Yunhua;XIE Deti;WEI Chaofu;SUN Chuanmin
Advantages and Disadvantages of China\'s Accession to the Energy Charter Treaty
BAI Zhonghong;PAN Yuanzheng