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Ecological Economy
2008 Issue 2
Comprehensive Utilization of cornstalk in Jilin Province
QIN Li-jie;SHANG Jin-cheng;CHANG Yong-zhi
The Study on the Seawater Desalination Industrialization Mechanism of China
CHENG Hai-yan;LUAN Wei-xin;WANG Hai-zhuang
Environmental Economic Analysis of Tourism Carrying Capacity
LI Chen;CHENG Sheng-kui;CHEN Yuan-sheng;ZHANG Jing-qiu
Countermeasures Against the Technical Barriers to China's Wood Products Export
XU Xiu-ying;LI Lan-ying;YAN Wei-wei
Reviews in Evaluation of Ecosystem Service Function
ZHAO Gui-shen;WEN Yu-fen;YU Fa-wen
Research on the Compensation Model of Tarim Basin Land Resource Use Based on the Circulation
PU Chun-ling;MA Ying;WANG Hua-Li;MENG Mei
Research on Reverse Logistics System Model Analysis and Its Application
An Empirical Research on Peasants' Perceived Risk in Green Vegetable Production ProcessⅡ
QING Ping;YAN Feng-xian;WANG Xiao-feng
Creating Urban Forests to Promote Construction of National Forest City in China
XIAO Jian-wu;KANG Wen-xing;YIN Shao-hua
The Conflict Analysis of Interest in the System of Ecological Economy in Diggings Area
LI Shi-yong;SHI Guo-qing;CHEN Zhao-kai
Thought of Resource-dependent Economy and Innovation Society
LUO Ping;SHANG Xiao-hui
Research on the Ecological Footprint of the Island Region and It's Sustainable Development
HAN Zeng-lin;GUO Jian-ke;LIU Kai
Study on the Socialized Management Pattern of the Wetland Nature Reserve
CHU Cai-xia;CAI Wei-min;ENG Xue-chao
Ecological Measure Analysis of Reducing Urban Heat Island
WEN Juan;BAO Jing-ling;ZHANG Zheng-yun
studies on the Preventing and Controlling Measures of Taihu Lake -Based on the Eutrophication Event of Taihu Lake in Wuxi City
LU Yun-xia;WU Chang-nian;HUANG Ji;ZHAO Jian;ZHANG Han-ming;XIE Fang-jian
ya lu cang bu jiang de ling yi mian ( er )
shui xiao jie
qian xi huan bao ju zuo (pet) pi jiu ping bao zhuang she ji
qiu hai tao ; chen ling jiang
ye sheng dong wu zi jiu qu wen
wu di
Effect of Oil Exploitation on Rural Social Economy in Loess Hilly-gully Region
LI Xiao-li;LIU Guo-bin;TIAN Dong-fei;DANG Xiao-hu
jia zhou : huan bao de ling pao zhe
zhuang lin
dun huang lv zhou : sheng tai wei suo , sha hua jia su
dong kai zuo
Monetary Analysis of Financial Ecology
The Scientific Development from "Green GDP "to "Effective GDP"
BU Hua;WANG Chun-mei
Constructing Eco-industrial Park and Government's Policy
CHEN Lin;DENG Wei-gen
Sick to Death