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Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
1993 Issue 2
long xi huang tu qiu ling qu shui tu liu shi wei hai ji qi fang zhi dui ce
Wei Linshen;Wang Shiyu the First Brigade of Hydrological Engineering and Geology under the Bureau of Geology and Mineralogy of Gansu Province;Wushan Gansu 741300
huang tu qiu ling qu ji liu zheng di zao lin ji shu yan jiu
Lu Ziyu;Guan Xiuqi;Cheng Jimin;Ma Zhiren;Liu Kejian;Guo Beng Northwestern Institute of Soil and Water Conservation;Academia sinica and the Ministry of water Resources ·Yangling Shaanxi·712100 Science and Technology Committee of Gu-yuan County in Ning Xia Huizu Autonomous Regions
wu hua xian jian chi chang qi zhi li wu zuo he xiao liu yu cheng xiao xian zhu
Zhong Zhaohe Scientifical Experiment Station of Soil and water Consercvation of Wuhua County;Guangdong;514400
wo guo nan fang beng gang xing cheng ji li de yan jiu
Zhang Shuguang;Cat Qing;Deng Lan Institute of water conservancy and water power of Guang dong province;Guang Zhou;520500
shui tu bao chi zhi wu tie mang ji sheng tai te zheng ji qi xiao yi fen xi
Wang Shenghua;Bu Werwen Popular Station of Soil and Water Conservation of Wuhua county;Wuhua County;Guangdong Province;514400
guang xi ni shi liu cheng yin he te dian ji qi fang zhi dui ce de tan tao
Zeng Lingfeng Guangxi Normal College;Nanning Cuangxi 530001
song liao liu yu shui tu liu shi ji qi fang zhi dui ce
Shen Bo;Yang Haijun Water Conservancy Committee of Song-liao under the Ministry of Water Resources;ChangChun;130021
gu yuan xian shang huang cun nong ye sheng tai xi tong neng liang fen xi
Jia Hengyi;Chen Guoliang;Cheng Jimin Northwestern institute of Soil and Water Conservation;Academia Sinsca and Ministry of Water Resources;Yangling Shaaxi·712100
wu zuo he xiao liu yu jiang yu dui tu rang qin shi de ying xiang
Zhong Chaozhang;Bu Weiwen;Wang Shenghua;Lin Xinming Institute of water Conservancy and Hydropwer of Guanddong Province;GuangZhou;Guangdong;510610 Station of Soil and Water Conservation of Wuhua Couty;Wuhua;Guangdong;514471
wu dou he xiao liu yu shui tu bao chi xiao yi fen xi
Office of Soil and water Conservation of wuhua county Guangdong;514400
po di tu rang zi yuan kai fa li yong tan tao yi guang dong sheng bo luo xian xia cun nong chang wei li
Zhong Jihong;Tun Jun;Lou Baisheng;Zhou Muning;Zhang Binggang Soil Science Institute of Guangdong Province;Guangzhou City;510650
ning nan pin kun shan qu xu qun jie gou diao zheng ji qi xiao yi yan jiu
Cong Xinhai;Xin Yuequan Northwestern institute of soil and water conservation;Academia Sinica and ministry of water Resources;Yangling Shaanxi;712100
min nan qin shi lie di tu rang fei li te zheng ji qi pei fei yan jiu
Huang Yanhe;Lu Chenglong;Huang Minlin;Lin Yongxian;Zhou Taiming;Chen Jingping;Shen Linhong;Yu Aheng Dept. of Soil Science & Agrochemistry;Fujian Agricultural College;Fuxhou;350002 Zhangzhou Soil & water Conservation office;Zhangzhou;363000