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Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
1988 Issue 2
hong dou cao he zao shu sha da wang zai chang wu xian de yin zhong shi yan
Li Ling;Zou Houyuan Northwest Institute of Soil and Water Conservation;Academia Sinica
chang jiang shang you shui tu bao chi he ying zao fang hu lin ti xi guan xi dao zhong xia you chang zhi jiu an
He Naiwei Institute of Rural Development;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
huang tu gao yuan xi bu di qu tu rang shui fen kui sun ji qi ti gao tu jing
Han Shifeng;Yang Xinmin;Zhang Xiaozhong Northwestern Institute of Soil and Water Conservation;the Chinese Academy of Science
gao hao shui tu bao chi gong zuo shi zhi li chang jiang de gen ben da ji
Sun Yueqi A specially invited adviser of the leading group on Three Gorge Dam
xiu di bao tu shi kai fa qin ba shan qu shou yao zhan lue cuo shi chang jiang liu yu shan xi bu fen zi hui sheng cun tiao jian de kao cha bao gao
Investigation Group of Soil and Water Conservation of South Shaanxi Pranince
huang tu di qu xiu jian yu di ba de she ji hong shui biao zhun
Huang Guojun;Jiang Dingshen Northwest Institute of Soil and Water Conservation;the Chinese Academg of Sciences
san xia ku qu beng ta hua po fa yu gui lv chu tan
Cai Bin;Chen Bo;Wei Lunwu;Xiong Daokun Chengdu Centre of Hydrologic Geology and Engineering Geology