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Cement Engineering
2014 Issue 4
Concrete production and quality control in terms of cement production
Feng Peiran;Sichuan Xintongling Building Material Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Comparison between simulation and field testing on classifier performance of turbo air classifier
Chen Yi;Cai Yuliang;Xiao Guoxian;Wu Tao;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Study on preparation of controlled low-strength material(CLSM) with circulating fluidized bed ash
Wang Ling;Su Dengcheng;Xia Yi;Zhang Tongsheng;Sinoma Construction Co.Ltd;
Effect of MgO and iron phase on high magnesian clinker firing
Zhao Songhai;Liu Songhui;Wei Liying;Wang Lan;Guan xuemao;State Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials;Chi.na Building Materials Academy;
P·O42.5R cement and composite reducer compatibility improvement measures
Zhang Fuheng;Ge Peng;Wu jian;Shanghai Optimix Co.;Ltd;
Requirements of marine cement properties and production technology
Ying Yue;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Operation analysis of M Factory HFCG combined roller-press-cement-extrusion grinding system
Ding Hao;Wang QingXiong;Yan lai;Wang Xuemin;Bao Wei;CNBM powder technology equipment Co.;Ltd.;
Points of design and production control of white cement factory
Lei Na;Xia Hui;He Feng;Qiao Xiannan;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Use of low calcium and high magnesium limestone in cement production
Ma Xueling;Shaanxi Building Materials Technical School;
Impact of kiln dust on raw meal and clinker calcination and the control
Wang Jianwei;Taishan China United Cement Corporation;
pc32.5 lu ji huan ning shui ni de kai fa sheng chan
wang li hua ; zhao jian qing ; jia guo lin ; an yin ping ;
yi ci yao tu ran gu zhang hou de fen xi chu li
han jian hua ;
gao han huan jing xia 3.8m 13m hua lv mo de diao shi
yu su zhong ;
Development and engineering application of new deflection device for four row cylindrical roller bearings roller press
Wang Kui;Sun Li;Jing Guoquan;Nanjing Branch of Sinoma Technology&Equipment Group;
Design introduction of 2400 mm×4000 mm winnowing vibrating screen
Ding Nanyan;Xia Lei;Zhang Nan;Fan Mengmeng;Sinoma Technology & Equipment Group;
Localization of imported HOROMILL system quick-wear parts
Guo Defu;Ma Junlei;Sinoma Cement Co.;Ltd.;
li xin feng ji ye lun mo sun xiu fu yu xian chang shuang mian dong ping heng
sun jing min ; xu jiao jiao ;
hrm2200 mei mo li mo xi tong de gai zao shi shi
hu min shan ; liu jian lan ; yan ai ping ;
Application of MODBUS/Profibus-DP communication gateway
Ma Jun;Zhao Tingting;Sun Qiang;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Steam flow temperature-pressure compensation for waste heat boiler and the implement in DCS system
Zhao Wanyong;Ji Hongyu;Tan Lei;Yang Wangang;Dai Yu;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Anticorrosion of earthing device and measures
Ma Gang;Tang Guocheng;Dong Chunrong;Jiangsu Jianxing Construction Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;
yu re qi fang du sai zhuang zhi de kai fa yu ying yong
guo bi jun ; dan shi kun ;
Technology of cement kiln co-processing city living garbage and the application state in China
Wang Baomin;Jiang Yuting;Sinoma International Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
ning meng suan zha ti dai tian ran shi gao zai shui ni sheng chan zhong de ying yong
hao chang qing ; liu wen sheng ; yuan wen ying ; cui xiu e ;
jiang di zuo shi po sui ji fen chen wu ran de cuo shi
wu jing ; liu fu lu ;
ji dui fen xi fang fa zai shui ni zhi liang jian ce ping jia zhong de ying yong
huang ding ce ; xiong qiu ;
Efficient construction and production management experience of Sinoma Luoding 4 500 t/d clinker production line
Wu Xinxian;Guo Lixin;Dong Baofeng;Gao Yongjian;Sinoma Luoding Cement Co.;Ltd.;
zan bi ya 3000t/d shu liao shui ni xian zi zhi xi sha xi tong jie shao
wang yi lei ; yang hou jian ; dong wei hua ; liu yu zhong ;