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Cement Engineering
2008 Issue 3
xin xi
On control methods of EPC projects Purchasing cost
Yuan Zhengyu
Application of technology of anchor rods in Taiwan Cement(Guigang)Project
Liu Minying;Wei Wanglai;Yan Zhenlong
lin shi gao de gai xing ji qi ying yong
chang ge fei
Producing cement by using modified phosphogypsum as a substitution of natural gypsum
zhu hong ming ; wang fang ; xu you nian ; chen xue bin
Study on the grinding dynamics of phosphorous slag
Xu Xun;Lu Zhongyuan;Yan Yun
Analysis and the improvement of compatibility of cement with superplascizer
Zhu Qigui;Zhang Kejun;Zhang ling;Yin jianchuan
Study on excitation technology of low calcium fly ash
Zhao Haijun;Yan Yun;Hu Zhihua
Hydration reactive of limestone powder in composite cementing material
Liu Shuhua;Yan Peiyu
Review of several issues of cement kiln low-temperature Cogeneration
Li Xiaoli;Liu Dongying
Coriolis metering system of raw meal hatching and control
Chen Suqi;Jia Guisen
Electrical and automation design of Taiwan Cement (Yingde) Project
Yang Wangang;Li Yuanchun
The renovation of close-circuit cement mill system by series connection expansion
Fengyun;Bao xiancheng;Ouyang Manhuai;Liu Fei
Lump size formation and its treatment in precalciner kiln
Li Jiarong
Calculate the proportion of four-component raw material by modulus-based formulation
Chen Xuebing;Wang Fang;Wu Jiashui
Study on Using Coal Gangue as One of Raw Materials to Prepare Jet Cement
Zhao Haijing;Gao Jianrong;Yan Dongsheng