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Acta Theriologica Sinica
2006 Issue 3
Nutritional interventions to reduce mucous excretion in the captive giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
LIU Xuanzhen;LI Mingxi;ZHANG Zhihe;YU Jianqiu;HUANG Xiangming;LAN Jingchao
Mating behavior of the captive south China tigers (Panthera tigris amoyensis)
ZHONG Yangkang;PEI Enle;XIONG Chengpei;ZHOU Hui;GAO Yuanyuan;WANG Tianhou
Effects of a contraceptive compound (EP-1) on reproductive organs of male Greater long-tailed hamsters (Tscherskia triton)
ZHANG Zhibin;ZHAO Meirong;CAO Xiaoping;WANG Yanling;WANG Fusheng;ZHANG Jianxu
Seasonal changes of the activity patterns of Brandt's vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) in the typical steppe in Inner Mongolia
WAN Xinrong;LIU Wei;WANG Guanghe;WANG Mengjun;ZHONG Wenqin
Allogrooming of captive Fran(c)ois langur (Trachypithecus francoisi)
ZHOU Qihai;HUANG Chengming;LI Youbang
Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) predation on livestock in Hunchun Nature Reserve, Jilin, China
LIU Yu;ZHANG Endi;LI Zhihong;CHEN Xiaojie
Translocation and discussion on reintroduction of captive giant panda
ZHANG Zejun;ZHANG Shanning;WEI Fuwen;WANG Hongjia;LI Ming;HU Jinchu
Effects of railway traffic on the community structure of rodents in warm steppe along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
YANG Shengmei;HUAI Huyin;ZHANG Yili;YIN Baofa;ZHOU Le;WEI Wanhong
Preliminary study on parturition behavior of semifree-ranging Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica)
ZHANG Minghai;ZHANG Changzhi;LIU Dan
Effect of population density on the steroid hormone levels of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae)
WANG Jinlong;WEI Wanhong;ZHANG Yanming;YIN Baofa