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Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
1999 Issue 5
Three-Dimensional Silt-Laden Two-Phase Flow Investigation in a Bulb Turbine Guide Vanes
Liu Wenjun;Wu Yulin;Cao Shuliang
Data Collection and Processing of Flow Field Measured by Five Hole Probe
Qian Hanxin;Li Qiwen;Cao Shixiong
Predication of the Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in an Axial-Flow Runner
Ren Jing;Cao Shuliang;Wu YuLin
Development of Calculation Methods for Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil
Jie Yuxin;Li Guangxin
FEM Analysis on Cutoff Walls of Second Stage Cofferdam in TGP
Hu Liming;Pu Jialiu
A Study on the Settlement of Composite Ground Reinforced with Deformable Piles
Huang Wenfeng;Li Guangxin;Liu Huancun;Sun Zhijun
A Study of Earth Pressure on a Tunnel Under YellowRiver by Centrifuge Testing
Zhou Xiaowen;Pu Jialiu;Ying Kunting;Bao Chenggang
The Critical Submergence at Pressure Intakes
Ma Jiming;Huang Jitang;Liu Tianxiong
Effective Numerical Scheme of Structural Reliability Analysis
Zhang Ming;Li Zhongkui
The Design of Three-Gorge Dam Security Inspection Management Information System
Wang Lin;Ma Zhenzong;Xie Shunan
Example Analysis of Arch Dams
Qiang Tianchi;Kou Xiaodong;Yang Qiang
Expert System for Concrete Quality Control
Wang Enzhi;Lu qifeng;Li Wenwei
Seepage and Stability Analysis of FracturedRock Slope Under Rainfall
Sun Yi;Wang Enzhi;Huang Yuanzhi
The Analysis of Dachaoshan Underground Hydropower Plantby Nonlinear Finite Element Method
Du Guanglin;Wu Ruiting;Zhou Weiyuan
Determination of Explosion Loads and Dynamic Analysis of the Three Gorges High Slopes
xu yan jie ; zhang chu han ; wang guang lun ; jin feng
Fitness of Tsing Hua K-G Model to Weathered Soils of Earth Dam
Wu Mengxi;Gao Lianshi;Li Rong
Bed Resistance Characteristic of Non-uniform Silt and It's Computation Method
zhou guo dong ; wang gui xian ; hui yu jia
Image Processing Technique and Its Application to Suspended Sediment Measurement
Li Danxun;Yu Mingzhong;Wang Dianchang;Wang Xingkui
Advances in Scour Hole Hydraulic Study
sun jian ; li yu zhu ; yu chang zhao
Experimental Research of Cavitation Damage and Erosion in Gate Slots in Laden Flow
Tian Liyan;Huang Jitang;Ding Tong
Simulation of Heat Transfer between Streambed and River Flow
Mao Zeyu;Chen Changzhi
2D Unsteady Seepage Flows Analysis for Dams under the Variable Water Level
Jiang Chunbo;Liang Dongfang
A View from '98 Flood: from Flood Control to Disaster Risk Management
Hu Heping;Shang Shonghao;Lei Zhidong;Yang Shixiu