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World Sci-Tech R & D
2004 Issue 5
The Progress of Process Intensification
fei wei yang
Recent Development of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell in Japan
lin hong ; li jian bao
Progress in Catalysts and Preparation Techniques for Low Temperature Fuel Cells
shen pei kang ; tian zhi qun
zheng gao qi shi
Recent Development of Research on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
chen zuo ; sun xiao dan ; li heng de ; weng duan
Coal Gasification Technology in China in Turn of the Century
huang zhen zhong
Fabrication and Structure Analysis of Al, Ga and In Nanocluster Two-dimensional Crystals
jia jin feng ; zuo rui fen ; li shao chun ; liu hong ; xu mao jie ; liu xi ; wang jun zhong ; li jian long ; xue qi kun ; li zhi qiang ; zhang sheng bai
Applications of Functional Dendritic Polymers
lv ya fei
On the Function and Developmental Trends of Current GIS
li yong fu
Comparison and Analysis of Amylose Contents among Various Genotypes in Potato
yao xin ling ; ding xiang zhen ; chen yan yun ; rong xiao juan ; guo jian feng
Applications of Absorption Markov Chain in Supply Chain Optimal Judgment
jiang chao zhe ; hu pei ; xu fang
Security and Sustainability of Water Resource in Chengdu in the 21st Century
huang xue ju ; sun hui ; tang ya
Biotechnology Extending Systematization and Its Prospect
qi huan ; shen hong