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World Environment
2002 Issue 5
Another Green Barrier
1800 Indian Turtles Returned to India
Nature--the Source of Eco-building
li wan hua
Update on Japan's Biotechnology Safety Approval and Labelling Policies
Tetsuo Hamamoto;Casey E.Bean
Dairy Industrial Wastewater Treatment
cai jing ; zhang zuo
The U.S. Experience with Motor Vehicle Pollution Control
Fredric C.Menz
Enterprises & Sustainability
guo he hui qi ye fa zhan yu huan jing ke ti zu
guo he hui sheng wu duo yang xing gong zuo zu
Jurisdiction over Ocean Pollution
shang hong bo
State Responsibility of Transboundary Pollution
zhang hua song ; xue zuo zuo
ASEAN Perspectives Toward the Global Environment
Elizabeth Davis
Sustainable Development--Catch up the WSSD Chance
zhan mu si d wo er fen sen
Reverie upon the Ozone Day