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Global Electronics China
2001 Issue 9
cheng zheng gao jian
Business NEWS
New Products
The Great Potential of Fabless Industry
xiao lei
IC Design & Consumer Electronics
liu quan
USB Devices and Their Developments
wang hong ; gu ben dou
she pin shi bie ji cheng dian lu e5560 de yuan li ji ying yong
huang zhi wei ; chen he
FRAM FM1608S:The Multiple Application
zuo zhen zhong
Battery Charger Controller-M62258FP
mao xing wu ; zhu da wei
smd yuan qi jian de zai dai xi tong
wei lai zhuan yong biao zhun qi jian de zhu liu :csoc
meng xian yuan
The Mainstream of Future Special Standard Device:CSOC
feng zhen ming
The 3G Mobile Technology:Now & Future
jiao bing li ; zuo dai nan
The IP-Based SOC Design
huang guo yong
The New Engine Of Biologic Technology--Biologic Chip
li gang ; xing wan li ; cheng jing
Micro System & Nano System
zhou zhao ying ; feng zuo ying
DC/DC for Battery Power Supply: Charge Pump or Inductance
wei ren jie
The Design of MP3 by the use of FPGA
Robert Bielby
The Digital Era and 100Hz TV
wang shi quan
The Rise of Digital Broadcast
wu yi ming