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World Earthquake Engineering
2003 Issue 2
Experimental study on seismic behavior and strengthened effects of Chinese ancient timber structure
gao da feng ; zhao hong tie ; xue jian yang ; zhang peng cheng
Some progress of study on the effect of site conditions on ground motion
bao jing shan ; li xiu ling ; li shan you
Application of wavelet analytical method to civil engineering
li hong nan ; sun hong min
Seismic response analysis of large-scale aqueduct with double troughs
du xiao wei ; chen huai ; sun guo jun ; wang bo
zheng gao jian ze
A method of dynamic equation solution based on the impulse response function and MATLAB
ma le wei ; wu min zhe ; xie yi tong
An improved probabilistic spectrum superposition method for stochastic response of structures
sun ling ; wu zhi feng ; zhou cheng gong ; zhou sheng zhen
The advances of studies on Iifeline earthquake engineering
su you po ; liu tian shi ; liu rui xing
Shaking table test of a high building with box beams and concrete encased steel columns as transformation floor
yang ze qun ; xu zhong gen ; chen chang ping ; zhou fu lin ; zhou yun
Performance levels and estimation indices of structures
li ying bin ; liu bo quan ; shi qing xuan
Study of semi- active control of structure based on predictive control
xu jian gong ; wang zhao min ; he yu ao
Elastoplastic seismic response analysis of hetero- column frame with bottom rectangle columns
zheng han bing ; cao wan lin ; song wen yong ; huang xuan ming ; zhang hong yu
Site categories and design earthquake response spectra
guo ming zhu ; chen hou qun
The aseismic analysis of the hospital inpatient building
wang guo xin ; li hong nan ; xiao shi yun ; zhang zuo
Application of GIS technology in earthquake disaster prediction system of water supply pipe network
yang qing ; luo zeng wen ; zuo mao tian ; zhang lue ; zhang hong min ; wang yong shan ; fan zai qiu ; xu jian wen
Spatial simulation GIS method of seismic damage of buildings
ren xi tai ; gao hui zuo
Seismic testing and verification for network and communication equipment
cao wen qing ; yu jie qin ; fang zhong
Study on isolating control of the masonry building with first storey frame structure
guan zuo ; li he ping ; ye ping
Two-step damage diagnosis methods of large and complex structures
zuo wei lian ; huang dong mei
Seismic analysis and design of lock and culvert
zhang liao jun
The elastic seismic response analysis of pile- soil- structure interaction system
wang feng xia ; he zheng ; ou jin ping
Measurement on dynamic property and evaluation on strengthen effect of a industrial structure
bai guo liang ; li hong xing ; chen ai guo ; zhu jia ning ; li jian ping ; wang ru jie ; wang jun wa
Experiment and analysis of seismic behavior of short Z-shaped columns with concealed columns
cao wan lin ; huang xuan ming ; tian bao fa ; zheng han bing ; wang hong cheng
Temperature properties of lead rubber bearings for building
liu wen guang ; yang qiao rong ; zhou fu lin