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World Earthquake Engineering
1984 Issue 6
Some Problems Concerning Elaboration of Building Code for Seismic Regions.
Polyakov S. V.;Bobrov F. V.;Oiserman V. I.
Consistent Time Histories in Transient Dynamic Analysis of Reactors
S.J. Grammel;H. U. Ahmed
Design Spectra Development Considering Short Time Histories.
E. O. Weiner
Simulated Earthquake Ground Motion by Gauss Wave Superimposition Method
Vertical Seismic Analysis of Buildings and Floor Systems in the Nuclear power Industry
W·La Framboise;K·Warapius;R·P·Kassawara;S·D·Costello
Single-Story Masonry Houses Testad on Shaking Table
lian zhi qin ;
guo ji xue shu hui yi xiao xi
luo xue hai ;
ben kan 1984 nian 1 6 qi zong mu lu