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World Regional Studies
2004 Issue 1
Curriculum Reform and Geographical Teachers' Role Innovation
wen chang sheng
The Analysis of Security Market Potential from an Angle of Financial Geography
tian lin ; jin xue jun
On Knowledge- based Cooporation Mechanism of Industrial Cluster
zheng sheng li ; zhou li qun
A Study on Spatial Structure of Floating Population in Kunming
zhao bo ; chen lie ; luo hua song ; wu you de
A Comparative Analysis of Urbanization Level between Jiangzhe Region and South Korea
wang xu ; wu dian yan ; ye da nian
The Perspective of Sino- Russia Petroleum Pipeline Affair
feng chun ping
Influence of American Global Military Redeployment
xiong ping sheng ; xie shi you ; yang xing li
Unconventional Securityunder the Background of Globalization
fang ye bing ; wang li mao
Glacier Protection Versus to Development of Tourism
karl husa;helmut wohlschlaegl; liu yan