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Acta Universitatis Traditionis Medicalis Sinensis Pharmacologiaeque Shanghai
2006 Issue 3
Interrelation Among Variety,Host and Content of Total Flavonid in Dodders
LIN Hui-bin;LIN Jian-qun;GU Hong-xia;LI Yan;LIN Jian-qiang
Nei Jing Theory and Clinical Practice (Part two)
WANG Qing-qi
Investigation Report of Theoretical and Practical Teaching in Clinical Medical Schools
HUA Gen-cai;FAN Zhong-ze;PENG Wen;WANG Ning-hua;LI Min;ZHU Kou-yun
The Exploration of Humanism Social Practice Curriculum in TCM Students
YE Qi-xiao;WANG Xiu-lan;YU Bao-ying;QIN Hong;WANG Li-li
Effect of Package upon Quality of Honey-Fried Bulbus Lilii
LI Lin;ZHANG Zhi-jie;CAI Bao-chang
Comparison of Real-Time in Vivo Oxygen Partial Pressure and Calcium Ion Concentration Between Acupoints and Non-acupoints
REN Ning;WANG Qi;ZHANG Ming-min;HUANG Guang-ying;HONG Da-qing;CHEN Sheng-li;LI Xiao-lan;REN Shu
Effects of Acupuncture on Bcl-2 and Bax Expressions in Hippocampus of Rats with Multi-infarct Dementia
WANG Tong;YU Jian-chun;XING Hai-tao;XIONG Hui-hai;HAN Jing-xian
Experimental Study on Phlegm-Resolving Action of Different Prepared Products of Radix Asteris
WU Tao;CHEN Zi-jun;HU Yue-juan;XIU Yan-feng;CHENG Xue-mei
Experimental Study on the Establishment of Pathological Model of Stomach-Heat Syndrome in Mice
WANG Wen-juan;ZHANG Xiao-dan;YANG Ming;ZHANG Xiao-chen;GAO Jian-ping
Effects of "Qianggu Capsule" on Estrogen Receptors Detected by Mammalian Cell Hybrid Technology
WANG Hai-bin;WANG Jun-jian;XU Chuan-yi;LIU Shao-jun;HE Wei;FAN Yue-guang;HUANG Hui
Pathogenic Analysis of Indication Syndrome for Wuzhuyu Decoction and Its Clinical Application
WANG Hai-yan;WANG Cong-hui;HAO Xia-nen;ZHANG Li;ZHANG Ming-quan;LI Shi-mao
Clinical Study of Combined Internal and External Treatment with Detoxication and Elimination of Toxicant Therapy on Venomous Snake Bite
QUE Hua-fa;TANG Han-jun;XIN Jie;XIANG Huan-yu;LIU Xiao-dong;XU Jie-nan;WANG Yun-fei;SHEN Liang;SHAN Wei
Effect of Shengmai Injection on the Urinary Excretion of Digoxin in Patients with Heart Failure
MAO Jing-yuan;WEI Guang-li;WANG Heng-he;ZHAO Zhi-qiang;WANG Qiang;ZHANG Yun;LI Hong;CHANG Yan-ping;WU Hui-xuan;ZHANG Qi-mei;YU Dong-ling;ZHENG Ying;ZHANG Yu
Realization and Evaluation of Computer System on Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Acute Stroke
ZHANG Zhi-feng;SHEN Yong-jun;XU Jia-tuo;ZHAO Ze-hua;ZHANG Jin;SHI Mei-yu;YAN Zhu-juan;ZHU Kou-yun
The Connotation of "Lung in Charge of the Vital Energy" and Mechanism of Stable State by Self Modulation
MA Shu-ran;SU Wei;LIU Xiao-yan;GUO Xia-zhen;LIANG yi;XU Wei-hua
Effect of "Tongxinluo" on Cerebral Microcirculation Disturbance in Acute Ischemic Stroke Rats
ZHAO Yong-hou;TANG Yan-hong;WEN Ming;FAN Yue;GU Xi-xi;TANG Hong-min;YANG Yun-ke;CAI Ding-fang
Morphological Foundation of Meridian Entry of Chinese Materia Medica (Part Two)
YU Zhong-yi;WANG Bo;LU Min