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Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
2011 Issue 4
Effect of Squalene on Hematological Indices in MSG-Obese Rats
ZHANG Jin-ming;LU Hao;ZHANG wei-ming
Protective Effects on Target-organ of Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang on SHR/SP
WU Yong-jie;WU Zhuo-qun;GU Wen-yong;GE Jian
dong wu shi yan yu nuo bei er sheng li huo yi xue jiang
zhao li ; shi zhen ; gao cheng
Effects of Hyperhomocysteinemia(HHcy) on Depression in Rats
ZHANG Xiao-feng;WANG Guo-hua;GUAN Yu;XIA Jing
Detection of Relative Expression of ompT Gene in Escherichia coli by SYBR Green I RT-PCR
XU Xiao-jing;YIN Wei-min;ZHAO Li-xiang
kk-ay/ta xiao shu de xiang guan sheng wu xue te xing ce ding
chen li xin ; tang hui qing ; liang lei ; fu jie ; gu jian zhong ; xu ping
Establishment of Liver Puncture Method in Marmota himalayan
FAN Wei;WANG Zhong-dong;TAO Yuan-qing;FENG Xue-mei;WANG Bao-ju
Acute Toxicity of Oil Dispersant GM-2 to Four Species of Aquatic Animals
WANG Ying;SUN Li-ping;WEI She-lin;CHENG lin;HUANG Ren
Observation and Comparasion on Cardiac Hemodynamics in WHBE Rabbit with Acute Myocardial Ischemia
LU Ting;PAN Yong-ming;CHEN Min-li;CHEN Liang;XU Jian-qin;HE Huan;Wang De-jun;YING Hua-zhong
pu tong ji yu qing jie ji hui cang shu xue ye xue ji sheng hua zhi biao de bi jiao
hou yan yan ; shi shen ; mai li kai ; xiong jin ; kang jian zhi ; du yong ; huang rui fang ; gui you jun ; liao li fu ; yan shun sheng
Comparative study on Liver Fibrosis Models Using uPA Knock-out Mice and Wild-type Mice
WANG Xiao-dong;ZHANG Yan;WANG Yu-zhu;JIN Jia-jing;CHENG Qian-qian;LI Wei-hua;DING Xun-cheng
Progresses on Application of African Green Monkeys in AIDS Researches
QIU Zheng-liang;YANG Gui-Bo;LEI Na;SUN Zao-Zheng;ZENG Ling
jian jie mei guo shi yan dong wu si yang huan jing guan li he shi yong
shen jin ming ; liu yang ; wang ya bing
Analysis of Nutrition Status in the Wild and Laboratory Breeding Tree Shrew
jiao jian lin ; li bo ; li jin tao ; zeng he ; chen li ling ; shen pei qing ; zheng hong
Evaluation of Exercise Therapy\'s Effect on Rats\' MACO Model by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI)Combined with Nervous\' Symptom Score
ZENG Gui-gang;LI Jun;ZHANG Shen;CHEN Guo-qiang;GU Jian-zong;GU Wei-zong
Pathological Changes of Multi-organ in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Sheep
NIU Ting-xian;LUO Xiao-hong;WAN Dong-jun;SHI Zhi-yong;WANG Hong-yi;LU Lu
hui cang shu jing hua ji sheng chang fa yu zhi biao ce ding
hou yan yan ; mai li kai ; shi shen ; liao li fu ; yan shun sheng ; gui you jun
Observations on Distribution of Quantum Dots and Acute Toxicity in Rats
SUN Peng;LI Peng;ZHANG Xu-rui;QIAO Wei-wei;ZHAO Xia;ZHANG Yun-peng
Establishment of Mice Model of Lung Cancer with Lung and Kidney Deficiency
WANG Ju-yong;GUO Jing;ZHENG Zhan;WANG Qing