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Journal of University of Shanghai For Science and Technology(Social Science)
2001 Issue 2
Legal Aspects of Electronic Payment
liu sheng ti ; fan zuo
Learning From International Experience of Market-Oriented Interest Rate
wang ban xing ; zuo gui qin
A synoptic Account of Human Resources in Listed Companies
zhang qing
Constructing a New College
yin yong sheng ; zhang lei ; zhang dao fang
Create a Faculty Club of Vitality
jiang ming ming ; chen yi lan
Some Reflections on Humanistic Education
yan hong gen
Fostering Versatile Personnel for E-Commerce through Different Ways
yang jian zheng ; zhou zhao xiong
Development and Application of PE Scores Management Software
ni wei ; mao wei qin ; wang yi zhi
Reflections on"Introduction to MBA"Taught by Foreign Teacher
wang fang
An Analysis of the Test on the Course of Computer Application Basis
huang chun mei ; xia yun
A Method of Translating from Japanese into Chinese
meng tong
Capacity Fostering in Language teaching
ren li
Study of Competition Strategy between Small Companies and Big Enterprises
zhang lin gang ; wang heng shan
ODA and Sino - Japanese Relation
chen dai zuo