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Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
2009 Issue 1
Parallel technology in distributed DC switching power supply
PENG Jianxue;YE Yinzhong;LIU Yijian
Visual simulation in navigational environment
XIONG Zhennan;ZHOU Shibo
New system of EU shipping competition rules
JIA Binggui
Application of fuzzy fault diagnosis in gas exchanging system of marine diesel engine
GUO Junwu;CHEN Baozhong;WANG Shiju
Ship's VHF simulator system integrated by multiple simulators
YU Lili;SHI Chaojian;HUANG Zhenmin;HU Qinyou
Technology combined with local area network' s cost gateway and leak scanning
ZHOU Feifei;PAN Jie;HAO Xiaobing;WANG Guanhai;WANG Wenjie;HE Wen
Empirical analysis on long memory property of Baltic dry index
GU Xianbin;LI Xuying
Credibility evaluation of shipping enterprises in supply chains based on DAGF method
BAO Feng;LI Zhaokun;ZHANG Shifeng;GUO Beibei
Comparison of tourism planning in wetland parks based on AVC evaluation
LI Hua;CAI Yongli
Stair traffic characteristics of underground station in Shanghai
WANG Kaiying;LIAO Mingjun;MENG Xianqiang;WANG Xianli
PSO with Gbest annealed and its application in traffic control
XU Bowei;LI Junjun;WEI Lin