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Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition)
2006 Issue 4
xiang zhong guo dian ying zhi jing
chen xi he
Dialect and Modernity in the 21st Century Sinophone Cinema
lu xiao peng ; xiang yu
The Inheritance and Development of Folkloric Festivals
Factors Concerning Power Behind Unemployment
WENG Ding-jun
The "Human" of Jin Ping Mei
A Textual Research for the Title of "Zhanghui Style"
LIU Xiao-jun
Problems in Legalization of Network Administration
XU Shi-fu
A Re-Reflection on the National Character
A Brief Comment on Ma Yi-fu's Poetic Thinking
GAO Ying-gang
A Textual Research for the Author of Alarm Bell on a Still Night
GU Ke-Yong;Wei Ran