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Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition)
2003 Issue 4
Death Complex-the Aesthetic Goddess of the Novel
wu zuo
The Rising of Short Stories in Modern Times
yuan jin
An anylysis of the Mulitivalue Choise in Wu Di Stories
gu chun mei
The Mood Phrase in the Novel "Jin- Ping- Mei"
yu jiang
On the Brand of Real Estate and the Enterprise's Prestige
shi jin liang ; jing zuo
The Exploration to the Development and Issue of Graduate Education Info
zhou ming ; wu yang ping ; zhuang yun qian
Systematic Analysis into College Blending
pang qing shan
New Ideas on the Structural System of Management Science
zhang qin guo
Study on the Concept of Learning City
xu xue guo ; shan ming feng
zhang pei guo jiao shou jian jie
shang da xiao xun ( she ying )
zhu qiang
sai shang qiu ( she ying )
wei chun
li jiang hong ( she ying )
wei chun