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Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education
2001 Issue 4
On the Forming of Proof Mental Handicap
mao la mei ; xiong wei
xue sheng xin li yu ti cao jiao xue zuo yi
sun huai yu
A New Method For the Synthesis of 5 - hexy1 - 2,3 - dimethylpyrazine
li de min ; suo ke bin
dao re you (therminol 50) bao he zheng qi ya de ce ding
zuo you jun
The Confusian Way of Thinking and Liu Hui's Jiu Zhang Suan Shu Zhu
zhao mei xia ; lei xing hui
Issues about Studying "Tree Representatives"
wang jian hua
Phonetic Traction in Learning Chinese Phonetics
zhang wei jia
Cruel Realization--Flaubert's Original Creation of Art
wang hong li
Art of Figures of Speech in Bi Shu-min's Porses
han cheng hong
Popular Tastes of Liang Shi-qiu's Proses
jiang zuo
Feng Zhi's Early Writings of Narrative Poems
wang rong
On Thoughts of the Book of Rites
yang ding qiao ; yang ya li
Brief Analysis of the Particularities of Producing Financial Risks in China
zuo dong bin ; meng xian jun
On the Strategic Stresses of the "The West Exploration"
shi zuo ; cheng rui
ke cheng yan jiu fan shi de bian ge yu fa zhan qu xiang
wang cun xiao
Ideas, Framework and Operation of Development Teachers Assessment
cheng zhen xiang
shi lun " shi wu " qi jian wo guo su zhi jiao yu xi tong gong cheng de jian she
yan jia hong ; zhang pei ling