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Information Technology & Informatization
2013 Issue 5
xian dai qi ye xin xi an quan feng xian de fang fan
MIAO Yuan;
guan yu cai wu yun de she ji yu ying yong chu tan
NIU Jia-xing;
The Application of Cloud Data Center in the Online Securities
LI Hong-tao;,YU Jian-yun;
Design of Multi-channel ARINC429 Bus Based on FPGA
DAI Hua-shan;
Analysis on NingXia Meteorological Information System Classification Security Protection
CUI Wei;,XIAO Yan-hong;,YUE Yong;
SY-S72 Wireless Communication Module in the Application of the Wireless Communication in Automation Stereoscopic Warehouse
LI Xiao-san;,LI Yan-yan;,MA Yin-yuan;,ZHANG Shi-ping;
v2x che lian wang ji qi guan jian ji shu
WANG Jian-yu;
ji yu bei xiang jie kou de pon-ag she bei jian kong xi tong she ji ji shi xian
jiang yuan kai ;, zeng qing mei ;, zhang ying lu ;
A Preliminary Research on Software Testing Course
ZHANG Yi-jun;
The Analysis and Design of the 4PL Information Platform
LI Meng-jie;,SONG Yu-bo;
wei cao zuo ji qi ren xi tong shang wei ji ruan jian de she ji
YANG Yan-lan;,YE Hua;,YIN Wan-lin;,ZHOU Ling;
Construction and Application of Plant Main Telecommunication System
BAI Wei;,FENG Huan;
Design and Implementation of Information Interchange Message Dynamic parser
FAN Yan-hong;,ZHAO Li-Jun;
Technique of a Multi-channel Data Isolation and Data Acquisition System
WEI Peng;,ZHANG Zhi;,ZHAO He-ming;
Application of Association Rules in E-commerce Recommendation System
QI Jin-ping;,ZHANG Jian-kai;
The Design and Realization of the System of Ironmaking Comprehensive Statistical Analysis
LU Yan;,YANG Wei-qiang;,YUE Wei-dong;
Model and Algorithm of Vehicle Routing Problem with StochasticTravel Time
CHENG Min;,HE Ke-yuan;,LIU Chang-sheng;,MENG Xiang-xian;
Research and Application of Photo’s Annotation Based on Semantic
LIANG Ting-ting;
Deformation Technology of Surface Based on DMFFD
DENG Pan-pan;,LIU Jing-nan;,YU Ling-ling;
The Connection Test Method of FPGA
CHEN Min;,CHEN Xin-zhi;
A Multifunction Heat-exchange Station System Based on Fuzzy PID
SUN Le-mei;,XU Jun;
Design and Simulation of an Intelligent Traffic Light System Based on 89C51
LI Zhong-shen;,MO Xiao-qin;
The Design of Mine-used Electrochemistry Carbon Monoxide Sensor Based on STM32
FANG CHang-qing;,YE Hua;,YOU Wei-wei;
The Design of Anti-lost Electronic Bracelet
JIANG CHun-ling;,LI Han-lin;,WANG Wen-peng;
CAN Bus Applications in Motor Control Node
LI Zhong-shen;,ZHANG Lei;