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Construction Technology
2004 Issue 7
Deviation Control of Extension Values of Prestress Reinforcements
ma li zhen ; yan zuo
Application of Epoxy Coating Steel Strand Cables in Oblique-pulling Bridges
sun chang jun ; wang xiao long ; wen qing hui
Application of Fluid Power Lifting in Continuous Plate Beam Synchro Swiveling Lifting
mo tian ling ; sun yi feng ; zhou zuo tian ; liu wen ; lei yi
Tension Test Methods of Prestressed Steel Materials
mao ai ju ; liu li jun ; pan jie ; zhu long
Research, Production and Application of New Special Flux HL801 for Electroslag Pressure Welding of Reinforcement
shi he ping ; liu gong cheng ; ye dong lin ; xu chang zuo ; wu cheng cai
sheng tai hun ning tu
Application Study of Fly-ash in Prestress High Performance Grouting Materials
wang fei ; huang wei jian ; zhao xi jing ; cai wei zuo
Construction Technologies of Replacing Stay Cables of a Suspension Cable Pipe Bridge
tang xing rong ; qu yan quan
Application of the Cohesive Prestress Technology in Construction of a 252m Basement Head Plate
you qing ping ; liang wei xiang ; xiong xiang ; xu ying guang
Design and Construction of On-site Pouring Prestressed Concrete Hollow Floor-slabs
hou jian qing ; qian hui min ; zhong zuo qiang
Tension Construction Monitoring Technologies of Ultra-long Prestressed Steel Strands
zhang qing wei ; liu jin ming
Construction Technologies of Large Prestressed Ring Beam
yang zhong yuan ; huang hai ; cheng jian jun ; wang zhong zuo
Construction Technolgies of the 15.5m Suspended Prestressed Beam of Shenzhen Meeting and Exhibition Center
tang jie ; yang ming jun ; xiao ; xie zhi
Application of the Virtual Simulation Technology in Construction of Prestressed Cables of a Steel Structure
zhang hong sheng ; jiang zhou ; zhang xi qian ; sun xiao hua
New Developments of Construction Waterproof Materials
zhang shu pei