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Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
2002 Issue 1
xin xing wu tu cao ping de kai fa yu ying yong
yang chun ping
Leading cadres'moral construction and ruling with morality
cheng mei mei
The comparison of different preparations of Clostridium perfringens chromosomal DNA
li hai kuo ; wang zuo ; zhou bi jun
The analysis of HMW- GS and gliadin for 8 wheat germplasm lines
zhang qing qin ; dong chao hua
Germplasm resources of wild fruit tree in Guizhou province
fan wei guo ; zhu wei fan ; fan en pu ; xiang xian heng ; kang xing zuo ; liu jin ping ; ban xiao zhong
Faunistic faunal study on Cercopoidea from Guizhou
dai ren huai ; li zi zhong
The process and pattern of natural restoration in degraded Karst forest
zhu shou qian ; chen zheng ren ; wei lu ming
Study on yield and content trait of oil for high-oil corn
zhao zhi ; huang zuo ; liu hong yan ; li ying xue ; peng yu shu ; mao guo jun