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Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
2000 Issue 3
gui zhou jian he bai xiang zhu xi yu cheng jian jie
liu pei qiong ; zhang qi lin ; liu ruo yu
The contents of some harmful elements in leafy vegetables in Guiyang
yang liu ; li li ; qian long ; zhang wei
Determination and comparison of fatty acids in fresh milk from cows and goats
zhu wen shi ; wei ke zhou ; xiong duan ni
Requirement of low temperature on seeds of wild stock of pear tree in Guizhou breaking of dormancy
xiang ling ; liu jin ping ; fan wei guo
Polytrichaceae of Guizhou China I A revision of Pogonatum in Guizhou
wang xiao yu ; xiong yuan xin
Preparation and detection of egg drop syndrome virus DNA probe
han li zhen ; cao wei ; wu tong
Preliminary identification and evaluation on maize germ plasm resources in Guizhou
bai guang xiao ; ren hong ; lan zhong mo ; wang ming chun
Cytogenetics of the hybrid progeny of JYP
zhang wei bing ; xu ru hong
The reviews of study on water deficit compensation and over-compensation effect for crops
shi ji yan ; yuan xiao feng ; ding gui jie
DENG Xiao-ping theory's position in the history China
chen zuo ; luo kai yang
An empirical research on human capital and poverty problem of Zhuyuan town in Dafang county
chen wei hong ; wang hou jun ; li xiao hong ; ma wen bin ; yang ming chang