Stakeholder Perspectives on Use,Trade,and Conservation of Medicinal Plants in the Rasuwa District of Central Nepal
Yadav UPRETY 1;3;Ram C.POUDEL 2;Hugo ASSELIN 3;Emmanuel K.BOON 1;Krishna K.SHRESTHA 4 1 Human Ecology Department;Vrije Universiteit Brussel;Laarbeeklaan 109;B-1090 Brussels;Belgium 2 Kunming Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Yunnan 650204;China 3 Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Forestry;Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue;445;Boulevard de l’Université;Rouyn-Noranda;Québec;J9X 5E4;Canada 4 Central Department of Botany;Tribhuvan University;Kathmandu;Nepal
Paleoclimate Study of Mountain Ecosystems by Multiple Group Biological Analysis
Marina SKRYPNIKOVA 1;Olga USPENSKAYA 2;Olga KHOKHLOVA 3 1 Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Pyzhevsky Lane;7;Moscow;109017;Russia 2 Vegetable Institute of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;h.500;v.Verea;Ramenskii dist;Moscow region;140153;Russia 3 Institute of Physical;Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of RAS;Ulitsa Institutskaya;2;Pushchino;Moscow region;142290;Russia
Traditional Agrodiversity Management:A Case Study of Central Himalayan Village Ecosystem
Abhishek CHANDRA1;P.Pardha SARADHI1;R.K.MAIKHURI2;K.G.SAXENA3;K.S.RAO4 1 Department of Environmental Biology;University of Delhi;Delhi 110 007;India 2 G.B.Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development;Garhwal Unit;Srinagar 246 174;India 3 School of Environmental Sciences;Jawaharlal Nehru University;New Delhi 110 067;India 4 Department of Botany;University of Delhi;Delhi 110 007;India