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Journal of Mountain Science
2008 Issue 4
Distribution of Debris Flows in Glacier National Park,Montana,U.S.A.
WILKERSON;Forrest D.* and SCHMID;Ginger L.Department of Geography;7 Armstrong Hall;Minnesota State University;Mankato;MN 56001;USA
journal of mountain science(jms)
general table of contents(vol.5,2008)
Planation Surfaces on the Tibet Plateau,China
ZHANG Xinbao 1;2 *;HE Xiubin 1;WANG Yangchun 1;and LONG Yi 1;3 1 Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;CAS;Chengdu610041;China 2 State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology;Institute of Earth Environment;CAS;Xi’an710075;China 3 Graduate University of the Chinese Academic of Sciences;Beijing100039;China
Weathering of Pisha-Sandstones in the Wind-Water Erosion Crisscross Region on the Loess Plateau
NI Hanbin1;2;3;ZHANG Liping1;2;3;4;*;ZHANG Dengrong5;WU Xiyuan1;and FU Xingtao1 1 Institute of Soil and Water Resource and Environment Sciences;College of Environmental and Resource Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou;310029;China 2 Key Laboratory of Polluted Environment Remediation and Ecological Health;Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou;310029;China 3 Zhejiang Provicial Key Laboratory of Subtropic Soil and Plant Nutrition;Hangzhou;310029;China 4 State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau;Institute of Water and Soil Conservation;Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources;Yangling;Shaanxi;712100;China 5 Department of Earth Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou;310027;China
Effect of Snow-cover Duration on Plant Species Diversity of Alpine Meadows on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
CHEN Wennian;WU Yan;WU Ning*;and LUO Peng Chengdu Institute of Biology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Chengdu 610041;China
guide to authors
index for volume5,2008
Rocky Land Desertification and its Driving Forces in the Karst Areas of Rural Guangxi,Southwest China
LIU Yansui Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Science;Beijing100101;China WANG Jieyong Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Science;Beijing100101;China Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing100039;China DENG Xiangzheng Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Science;Beijing100101;China
Glacier Extent and Volume Change(1966~2000) on the Su-lo Mountain in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau,China
WANG Yetang1;2;HOU Shugui1*;HONG Sungmin3;HUR Soon Do3;and LIU Yaping1;2 1 State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science;Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute;CAS;Lanzhou 73000;China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3 Korea Polar Research Institute;Songdo Techno Park;7-50;Songdo-dong;Yeonsu-gu;Incheon 406-840;Korea
Micromorphological Features of Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols at Archaeological Site of Sanxingdui,China
HE Yurong Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Chengdu 610041;China HUANG Chengmin Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Sichuan University;Chengdu 610065;China XU Xiangming;WANG Yanqiang and HE Xiubin Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Chengdu 610041;China
Numerical Modeling of Neotectonic Movements and State of Stresses in the Central Seismic Gap Region,Garhwal Himalaya
Ganesh Raj JOSHI* and Daigoro HAYASHI Simulation Tectonics Laboratory;Faculty of Science;University of the Ryukyus;Okinawa 903-0213;Japan