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Journal of Shandong Education Institute
2008 Issue 6
wei sheng wu yao wu de yan jiu yu kai fa
li zhi xiang
lun shu zi hua ji shu zai sheng le jiao xue zhong de fu zhu zuo yong
du sen ; zhang xin
zong lun fu bao shi ren wu hua de zao xing ji bi mo
li xin zuo
Thinking in Terms of Images in Higher Mathematics
Li Na;Wang Ting
Emotion Effects in English Teaching
Ding Mei;Shao Ping
Primary Analysis on the Education of the Adults Majoring in English
Gong Liyan;Shi Lei
Commentary on the Loss-Compensation of Public policy
Peng Jian;Liang Xinwen
On China's Rural Labor Force and Output Trends
Liu Hualing
gu piao qi quan ji li ji zhi zai wo guo de shi jian yu you hua
zhang jing ; song yong peng ; li zuo
Judicial Reform of American States in 20th Century
Yang Chengliang
zhong guo wang chao xing wang de zhou qi lv
liu de zeng
A Review of Foreign Intelligence Emotional Research
Yang Xiaoping
Development of Self-concept of College Students
Zhan Yingyu
Investigation of College Students' Interest in Psychology
Gai Naicheng;Zheng Haibin