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Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science)
2016 Issue 6
Research on relative “balance sheet”of water resource
CAO Shengle;,YU Cuisong;
Bayesian combination of SVR on regularization path based on KNN of input
WANG Mei;,ZENG Zhaohu;,SUN Yingqi;,YANG Erlong;,SONG Kaoping;
Neighborhood related multiple-instance classifiers based on integrated Hausdorff distance
CHEN Zehua;,SHANG Xiaohui;,CHAI Jing;
Distributed particle swarm optimization algorithm based on mapreduce
FAN Debin;,DENG Changshou;,YUAN Sihao;,TAN Xujie;,DONG Xiaogang;
A vector data matching algorithm based on slope difference and azimuth
LU Yuefeng;,ZHANG Kui;,LIU Shuo;,WU Yue;,ZHAO Shuo;,LI Qiang;,FENG Chen;
The time series prediction model based on integrated deep learning
HE Zhengyi;,ZENG Xianhua;,QU Shengwei;,WU Zhilong;
A novel 3 D model retrieval method fusing global and local information
MOU Chunqian;,TANG Yan;
Collaborative recommendation for scenic spots based on multi-aspect ratings
WANG Zhiqiang;,WEN Yimin;,LI Fang;
Distributed state estimation algorithm for large-scale dynamic systems
SUN Yibing;,FU Minyue;,WANG Bingchang;,ZHANG Huanshui;
Design and performance of oblique and vertical compact micro fluidized beds
LI Xiaofei;,WANG Lei;,JIA Lei;,CAI Wenjian;
Mechanical characteristics effect of waste rubber powder on combined aggregate concrete
WANG Hailong;,WANG Pei;,WANG Lei;,ZHANG Ke;
SHPB experimental study of mortar simulating fractured rock under static and dynamic load combination
ZHANG Wei;,LI Haitao;,WANG Jian;,WANG Li;
Integrated acquisition method of adverse geology and rock properties ahead of tunnel face in TBM construction tunnel
LIU Bin;,LI Shucai;,LI Jianbin;,WANG Yujie;,ZHANG Jianqing;,NIE Lichao;,WANG Xueliang;
Model test of the Beipan River′s new open-web continuous rigid frame bridge corner node
PENG Yuancheng;,DONG Xu;,LIANG Na;,DENG Zhenquan;
Mechanical properties of tower and beam synchronous construction of cable-stayed bridge
ZHANG Wanzhi;,LIU Hua;,ZHANG Feng;,GAO Lei;,YAO Chen;,LIU Guanzhi;