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Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
2016 Issue 4
On the HUR stability of a mixed functional equation deriving from AQC mappings in FFNLS
XUE Wen-ping;JI Pei-sheng;School of Mathematics;Qingdao University;
Boundedness of the Littlew ood-Paley operators and cummutators on the Herz spaces with variable exponents
WANG Jie;QU Meng;SHU Li-sheng;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Strongly and weakly separable operators on tensor product spaces
LIANG Wen-ting;CHEN Zheng-li;School of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaanxi Normal University;
Tilting comodules over triangular matrix coalgebras
FU Xue-rong;YAO Hai-lou;College of Applied Sciences;Beijing University of Technology;
Two constructions of monoidal categories
FENG Qing;HUANG Ju;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Fujian Normal University;
A note on Coleman automorphisms of finite groups
HAI Jin-ke;WANG Wei;HE Wei-ping;College of Mathematics;Qingdao University;
On p-nilpotency and supersolubility of finite groups
MAO Yue-mei;YANG Nan-ying;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Datong University;Department of Mathematics;University of Science and Technology of China;School of Sciences;Jiangnan University;
Some new characterizations of generalized and hypergeneralized projectors
LUO Gao -jun;ZHOU Liang;ZUO Ke-zheng;Department of Mathematics;Hubei Normal University;
Existence and multiplicity results for a second-order multi-point boundary value problem at resonance
CHEN Bin;Abuelgasimalshaby Elzebir;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;
Besicovitch-Eggleston type sets in cellular automata
PENG Tao-tao;LIU Wei-bin;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Wuhan University;
The( d,1)-total labelling of the cube of cycles
BAI Dan;ZUO Lian-cui;College of Mathematical Science;Tianjin Normal University;
Neighbor sum distinguishing total coloring of Halin graph
SONG Hong-jie;GONG Xiang-nan;PAN Wen-hua;XU Chang-qing;School of Science;Heibei University of Technology;
Vertex-Distinguishing E-Total coloring of complete bipartite graph K3,n with n≥18
LI Shi-ling;CHEN Xiang-en;WANG Zhi-wen;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences;Ningxia University;
Total colorings of planar graphs without 6-cycles and adjacent 5-cycles
TAN Xiang;School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics;Shandong University of Finace and Ecnomics;
An algorithm and its implementation for odd-elegant labeling of general sun graph Sm,n
XIE Jian-min;YAO Bing;ZHAO Ting-gang;College of Mathematics;Lanzhou City University;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;
Equivalence between the affine matrix rank minimization problem and the unconstrained matrix rank minimization problem
CUI An-gang;LI Hai-yang;School of Science;Xi’an Polytechnic University;
New H~1-Galerkin mixed finite element analysis for quasi-linear viscoelasticity equation
DIAO Qun;SHI Dong-yang;School of Mathematics and Information Science;Pingdingshan University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Zhengzhou University;
Function characterizations of k-semi-stratifiable spaces
ZHANG Guo-fang;YANG Er-guang;College of Mathematics;Jilin Normal University;School of Mathematics & Physics;Anhui University of Technology;
Numerical solution of Schwarz Christoffel transform
CUI Jian-bin;JI An-zhao;LU Hong-jiang;WANG Yu-feng;HE Jiang-yi;XU Tai;Mathematics and Statistics Institute;Longdong University;Energy Engineering Institute;Longdong University;Energy Engineering Institute;Chengdu University of Technology;
The supremum and infimum of partially ordered objects in a topos
LU Tao;WANG Xi-juan;HE Wei;School of Mathematical Sciences;Huaibei Normal University;Department of Mathematics;Nanjing University;School of Mathematical Sciences;Nanjing Normal University;
The filters based on relative negations in FI Algebras
WU Su-peng;ZHAO Bin;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaanxi Normal University;Department of Mathematics and Statistics;Ankang University;
An inverse problem of identifying the coefficient in a Kolmogorov type equation
CAI Chao;Department of Mathematics;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;