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Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
2015 Issue 9
The Influence of boundary friction factors on geometry of two-dimensional granular systems
YANG Lin;,HU Lin;,ZHANG Xing-gang;
Multi-dimensional semantic ontology construction oriented to knowledge-level application
LIU Jian;,XU Hong-bo;,YI Mian-zhu;,CHENG Xue-qi;
Chinese-Japanese multi-word phrase extraction and alignment based on multi-strategy filtering
TANG Liang;,LI Qian;,XU Hong-bo;,YI Mian-zhu;
Hybrid recommendation by combining network-based algorithm and user preference
ZHANG Xin-meng;,JIANG Sheng-yi;,ZHANG Qian-sheng;,XIE Bo-lin;,LI Xia;
Micro-blogging topic mining based on supervised LDA user interest model
WANG Li-ren;,YU Zheng-tao;,WANG Yan-bing;,GAO Sheng-xiang;,LI Xian-hui;
Security analysis and improvement of two certificateless aggregate signature schemes
FAN Ai-wan;,XIA Dong-liang;,YANG Zhao-feng;
Linear properties of the round function of SIMON family of block ciphers
DONG Xiang-zhong;,GUAN Jie;
Research on model of stochastic inventory control under carbon emission trading mechanism
GUI Yun-miao;,SHEN Jun;,HU Hong-chun;,LIU Zhao-qi;
Empty container reposition optimization with the corporation of the shipping lines
WANG Chuan-xu;,WANG Wan;,CHEN Fei-yan;,XU Chang-yan;
Multicriteria equilibrium model of a server-oriented internet with the market share
ZHOU Yan;,HAN Rui-jing;,DOU Jie;,LIU Chao-chao;,SUN Hao;
Discounted penalty function for a thinning risk model with dividend
CHEN Jie;,LV Yu-hua;