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Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
2014 Issue 10
An example of semicommutative Armendariz ring
MA Jing;GUO Ying;SUN Cheng-xia;School of Mathematics;Jilin University;
can kao wen xian zhu lu gui fan
Copure projective dimensions under Hopf extensions
CHEN Xiu-li;CHEN Jian-long;Department of Mathematics;Southeast University;
M-Weak quasi McCoy rings
FEI Pan-pan;WU Jun;ZHU Li-min;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Anick resolution and some homological properties of quantum group Uq (sl2
GAO Zhen-zhen;YANG Shi-lin;OBUL Abdukadir;College of Applied Sciences;Beijing University of Technology;College of Mathematics and System Sciences;Xinjiang University;
Stability of G_C-projective modules
ZHANG Ya-feng;ZHANG Wen-hui;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;
EP-injectivity and von Neumann regularity of rings
LU Qi;YIN Xiao-bin;BAO Hong-wei;Department of Mathematics and Physics;Bengbu College;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Kegel theorem for generalized Lie algebras
CHEN Hua-xi;ZHANG Cui-bin;DONG Li-hong;Department of Mathematics and Physics;Bengbu College;College of Mathematics and Science;Henan Normal University;
Quadratic residue codes over F_l+vF_l+v~2F_l
LIU Cai-ran;SONG Xian-mei;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Some properties of primitive ideal submodules in Hilbert C*-modules
YANG Gong-lin;JI Pei-sheng;College of Mathematics;Qingdao University;
A note on operator matrixs
CUI Miao-miao;WANG Bi-yu;CAO Xiao-hong;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaanxi Normal University;
Reliability analysis of a warm standby repairable system with unreliable transfer switch
ZHANG Quan;HAN Yang;GUAN Bao-ling;LI Yan-jun;College of Science;Qiqihaer University;
Superconvergence analysis and extrapolation of bilinear finite element for Schrdinger equation
WANG Ping-li;SHI Dong-yang;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Xuchang University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Zhengzhou University;
Characterization of bicompletable interval-valued fuzzy quasi-metric spaces
LU Han-chuan;LI Sheng-gang;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Shaanxi Normal University;
The characterizations of lattice-valued fuzzy lower approximation operators by a unique axiom
LI Ling-qiang;LI Qing-guo;College of Mathematics and Econometrics;Hunan University;Department of Mathematics Science;Liaocheng University;
Theory of interval valued (∈,∈∨ q)-fuzzy filters in BL-algebras
LIU Chun-hui;Office of Teaching Affairs;Chifeng University;Department of Mathematics and Statistics;Chifeng University;
Random function inverse P-sets and its characteristics depending on attributes
ZHANG Yue-yun;College of Mathematical Sciences;Dezhou University;