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Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
2010 Issue 8
Improper equitable coloring of forests
LIU Shu-li
An implicit scheme for a numerical simulation of binary combination flooding and application
YANG Yao-zhong;LU Tong-chao;DAI Tao;XI Kai-hua;YU Jin-biao;REN Yong-qiang;CHENG Ai-jie
The pricing of a bond with attached warrant under the jump-diffusion model
Realization of quantum symplectic group(⊙)( Spq (6))
LI Sha-sha;GONG Ben-xue
The total signed domination number of a complete graph
YUAN Xiu-hua
Quasi-McCoy rings relative to a monoid
YANG Shi-zhou;SONG Xue-mei
Completely prime and prime fuzzy ideals in ordered semigroups
TANG Jian;XIE Xiang-yun
Symmetry reductions and exact solutions of a (2+1 )-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation
XIN Xiang-peng;LIU Xi-qiang;ZHANG Lin-lin
Generalized p-generic center parallel arrangements
ZHANG Shuang;PEI Dong-he;GAO Rui-mei
The mathematical model coupled with multi-parameter of jet instabilities
YU Jing-zhi;YAN Chun-ji;DENG Yang-bo
Internal-outer data circle and dynamic data-recovery
ZHOU Yu-hua;ZHANG Guan-yu;ZHANG Li
A survey on the origin and developments of Green\'s relations on semigroups
GUO Yu-qi;GONG Chun-mei;REN Xue-ming
The local discontinuous Galerkin method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation
TIAN Ming-lu;LIU Yun-xian
The new lower bound for the size of edge chromatic critical graphs with maximum degree 7
TIAN Da-dong;MIAO Lian-ying;LI Mei