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Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
2000 Issue 4
He Siyuan and the Anti-Japanese Struggles in Shandong
song zhen chun
Tolstoyism and the Chinese Religious Thought
zhou zhen mei
Study of Literature and Art and Methods of Natural Science
you zhan sheng
The Campaign of GaoPing and the Rising of Zhaocuangyin
fan xue hui
The Envoy of Qing Dynasty in the Qiaketu Treaty Negotiations
zhou zuo shao
On The Generally Acknowledged Truth of Traditional Logic
li xiao hu
The Value Ideal of Humanization in Yizhuan
wang xin chun ; liu guang ben
The Analysis of the Present Wealth Gap in China
zhou yun hong
On Regulation and Creation of Finance Sector
yu liang chun ; kong jin
On Real Estate Trade and Lease
zheng qing fen
Proposals for Our National Hi-tech Industries' Development
huang jin ping ; sun fa qing