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Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
2012 Issue 5
The Quantitative Analysis About Chinese Idioms from Jargons
HANG Yong-hong
The Copying Theory in Western Philosophy
RONG Xin-ge
Metaphorical Competence Development in FLT
DONG Bao-hua;LIU Yin-qi
Nelly is an Unreliable Narrator
A Corpus-Based Study of English Adjective-Converted Nouns
SI Xian-zhu
On Tenebrism in Anil's Ghost
jie mian yan jiu de yuan ze yu yi yi
pan wen guo
A Study of Wu Chi-yu's Translation of Han Shan Poems
HU An-jiang;ZHOU Xiao-lin
Redemption of Self: the Immediate Messages Conveyed in Slaughterhouse-Five
PANG Hao-long;LIU Min-jie
Biolinguistics: History and Evolution
WU Wen
yu yong xue yan jiu de fu he xing te zheng
ran yong ping
shi tan wen xue de jie mian yan jiu
qiao guo qiang