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Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
2003 Issue 3
How to teach Japanese honorifics in classroom
qun ying
On Aleksandr Pushkin's perspective of translation
hu shi xiong
In defense of Pearl S. Buck's "mistranslation"
ma hong jun
Relevance theory and the nature of translation
zhao yan chun
The spread of English and endangered languages
lu gui rong
On the multilingual policy of European Union
fu rong
Carlyle and Arnold: Liberal-humanistic cultural critique
tao jia jun
Association and new words' building
ma lin
Copying: The nature of language
wu xiao jing
On the tragic love of the hero and heroine in Jude the Obscure
xiao man qiong
Colonialism in A Passage to India
luo wen lin
The sound of silence:On narrative technique of Rebecca
hu xiao hua
Lacanian psychoanalytic approach to Eustacia's tragedy
long juan
An intertextual study of S. and The Scarlet Letter
jin han shen
A survey of foreign short stories of 20th century
zhou qi chao
Cheng Fangwu and Romanticism
liu zuo
Emerson, Thoreau and their modernity
wang ming kai
Symbols and Emerson's religious thoughts
han qi qun
Romantic Movement and formation of German national identity
ren guo qiang
On Wordsworth's solitude
du ping
Discussion on topics, reading in circlation
huang yuan bai