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Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
2010 Issue 4
Analysis of the Population Dynamics of Quercus phillyraeoides
XIE Chun-ping;FANG Yan;FANG Yan-ming
Comparison of Offspring Survival of Three Kinds of Sturgeons\' Purebreds and Crossbreds
WANG Nian-min;YANG Gui-qiang;PENG Tao;QU Qiu-zhi;SUN Da-jiang;WU Wen-hua;WANG Guo-feng;ZHANG Yong-wang;LIU Xiao-yong
Characteristics of Soil Erosion on Sloping Field in the Central Hilly Areas of Sichuan
YANG Zhan-biao;ZHU Bo;LIN Li-jin;YANG Yuan-xiang;ZHU Xue-mei
Exponential Model of Root Weight and Shoot Growth of Rice and Correlation with Each other in Early Stage after Transplanting
REN Wan-jun;HUANG Yun;LIU Dai-yin;SHUAI Ling;YANG Wen-yu
Genetic diversity of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Triticum timopheevii Zhuk.
XU Li-li;ZHONG Mei-yu;LI Wei;WEI Yu-ming
Analysis on Production Efficiency of Two Pig-raising Patterns of China
WANG Fang;CEN Hua-fang;CHEN Jun-an
Transmission Relationship Between Aegilops tauschii Cossons in Xinjiang and Yellow River Basin in China
WANG Qing;HUANG Lin;YUAN Zhong-wei;HU Xi-gui;LIU Deng-cai
Changes in Content of Endogenous Hormones in Fruit Peel, Fruit Flesh and Leaf During Fruit Growth and Development of Grape
ZHANG Guo-hai;LI Xue-qiang;LI Xiu-zhen;SHI Guo-an;XIA Ren-xue
Isolation and Identification of Pathogens from Chickens Co-infected with Fowlpox Virus and Staphylococcus
TIAN Ming-xing;ZHAO Fang-fang;SHI Min;CAO San-jie;WEN Xin-tian;HUANG Yong
Effects of Hybrid Backgrounds between Two ph Lines on Homoeologous Chromosome Pairing
HAO Ming;LUO Jiang-tao;YANG Min;ZHANG Lian-quan;LIU Deng-cai
Germplasm Resources Collection and Plus-trees Selection of Native Poplar in Sichuan
WAN Xue-qin;ZHANG Fan;ZHONG Yu;WANG Chang-liang;DING Yun-hai;QIAN Zong-liang;HU Ting-xing
Optimization of AFLP in Elymus (Poaceae)
CHEN Shi-yong;MA Xiao;QI Xiao-fang;ZHANG Xin-quan
The Study on Nuclear Receptor Co-activator 1 Gene (NCOA1) as Candidate Gene for Reproduction Traits in Chicken
LI Shou-feng;ZHAO Zhen-hua;HUANG Hua-yun;ZHANG Jing;DING Yu-rong
Pollen Viability and Stigma Receptivity of Six Epimedium Species
LI Bing-yao;LUO Li;TANG Li;LI Yan;DING Chun-bang
Periodic Changes of the Precipitation and Runoff in Wu River Watershed
XIONG Ya-lan;ZHANG Ke-li;YANG Guang-xi;GU Zai-ke
A Study on Interaction between Pollen and Stigma through Intergeneric Crossing of Brassica Chinensis with Crambe abyssinica
TANG Tian-ze;SHUI Hong-xia;NUI Yin-ze;MENG Da-qing;LI Zhi-fan;XU Lan;FAN Qi-xin;CHEN Jun;LIU Nian
Colonization Ability of Bacillus subtilis and its Protective Effect against Rhizoctonia solani
QIU Xiao-yan;ZHANG Min;HU Xiao;TANG Zhi-peng;WAN Jing-yu
Combining Ability and Heritability of Major Agronomic Characters in 5 Vietnamese Rice Restorer Lines
LU Jian-qun;CHEN Lin;DAI Huai-gen;CEN Jin;ZENG Xian-ping