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Journal of Xihua University(Natural Science Edition)
2012 Issue 6
Study on the Effect of β Nucleating Agent on the Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene
WANG Ling;WANG Zheng-you;HE Xiao-li;WANG Li-sha;LI Wei;YANG Han-bo
Effect of Chitosan Coating Enriched with Cinnamon Oil on the Quality of Garlic Sprouts During the Storage Time
XING Ya-ge;XU Qing-lian;CHE Zhen-ming;ZENG Liang;ZHANG Liang;JI Ming-jiang;XIAO Dong-hua
xin xi dong tai
Study on the Low-temperature Sintering of Thermoelectric Material CaMnO3
WANG Qing;SHENG De-xue;LU Yun;SHONG Shao-wei;CHENG Jian-weng;JIN Ying-rong
Design of Optimal Antenna Location in Linear Cells Based on Timing Acquisition
QING Chao-jin;XIA Tian;ZHANG Jin;XIA Ling
Design of Interior Space Layout for Hatchback Cars Based on AE
TENG Yan-qiong;WU-Tao;LUO-Xu
Research on Real-time of Serial Communication Methods in Visual C + + Integrated Development Environment
LIAO Xuan;XIAO Ji-xue;YIN Qiao;CHENG Zhi
Design of Vehicle Detection System Based on ZigBee and GMR
QIU Yi-min;ZHOU Li
Study on the Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane/Nano-CaCO3 Composites
CHEN Bao-shu;LUAN Dao-cheng;LI Chang-bing;ZUO Yang
Study on the Structure and Stability of Clusters AunRu (n =1 ~ 8)
JIANG Bin;WEI Cheng-fu;GUO Jian-jun
Thoughts, Methods and Pathways on Innovative Talents Cultivation(二)
TU Ming-jing;TANG Ying;ZHANG Jin;MENG Jiang-ping
ren wu jie shao
Effects of MgO Coating on the Properties of BaTiO3-based Ceramics
TU Wei;DING Shi-hua;SONG Tian-xiu;WANG Hong-ni;ZHANG Jing
Research on the Hydraulic Control System for Wet DCT
ZHONG Yuan;LIN Xiao-feng;LIAO Zhi ming;HAN Lin-sen
New Algorithm for Image Encryption Based on Wavelet and Chaotic Systems
JIN Bing;ZHU Kong-tao
A Fast Median Filter Algorithm
MEI Ge-ge;JIN Bin;GONG Wei
Error Analysis of Measurement for Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Time Based on FFT
FANG Han-fang;HUANG Yong;CAI Yi-ju;YIN Lin
Multi-Sensor Fire Early-warming System Based on ZigBee
XU Chi;LI Xin-chun;ZHANG Lei;YANG Hong
Analysis of the Time-dependent Reliability for Rack and Pinion Steering Mechanisms
ZHANG Jun-fu;WANG Yong;XU Hong;LONG Jin