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Yangtze River
2001 Issue 9
ying wen wen zhai
On setting up linear dependence by summation of minimum distances
zhu chun long ; yang cheng fang
Design flood analysis in later- stage flood season for Zaoshi hydropmject on Xieshui river
zhang xin tian ; xu gao hong ; bian zuo ; chen chu tian
Design and manufacture of automatic control system of Gaobazhou hydrometric cableway on Qingjiang river
tian ci ping ; song shi jie ; you mu xian
On application of flexible materials in overflow earth dam
xing wen zhong ; fang su li
On utilization of weathered sand as filling materials for Jiangxia Road in TGP dam area
wang xiao mao ; yang shu ming ; chen chao min
Comparison of concrete mixing plants for stage Ⅱ works of TGP
xu yan ; niu zhi xin
Research on expansive soil for Middle Route Project of S - N water transfer
gong bi wei ; zhou xiao wen ; bao cheng gang
Qualib control for seepage prevention and strengthening works of the Yangtze dyke at Wuhan stretch
zhao feng chao ; zeng li xin ; yi xing chen
Bid invitation practice for concealed works of important dyke along the Yangtze river
liu ning ; yang chun ; xie xiang rong
Application of AreView GIS in the analysis on basin hydrologic characteristics
shu zhen wen ; zhang huo qing
Analvsis on evolution of river bed of Zhenjiang- Yangzhou stretch with help of GIS
zhang zeng fa ; li qi shun ; ding xian rong
Yangtze flood simulation analysis for Yichang- Wuhan stretch
sun xiao hong ; guo sheng lian ; guo hai jin ; xu gao hong ; chen gui ya
Application of bored and locked piles in Shenzhen underground railway works
zhao jian xia ; liu xiao feng
Design of lift and block division for Gaobazhou powerhouse unit bay
liu wei ; liu xiao gang ; yu hong