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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
2008 Issue Z1
Forest Fires in the Insular Caribbean
A.Marcus J.Robbins;Claus-Martin Eckelmann;Maya Quiones
Fire and Vegetation Dynamics in High-elevation Neotropical Montane Forests of the Dominican Republic
Ruth E.Sherman;Patrick H.Martin;Tunothy J.Fahey;Steve D.Degloria
Interactions among Overstory Structure,Seedling Life-history Traits,and Fire in Frequently Burned Neotropical Pine Forests
Joseph J.O’Brien;J.Kevin Hiers;Mac A.Callaham Jr.;Robert J.Mitchell;Steve B.Jack
Fire Regimes,Fire Ecology,and Fire Management in Mexico
Dante Arturo Rodríguez Trejo
Assessment of Forest Fuel Loadings in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
Thomas J.Brandeis;Christopher W.Woodall
A Soil Burn Severity Index for Understanding Soil-fire Relations in Tropical Forests
Theresa B.Jain;William A.Gould;Russell T.Graham;David S.Pilliod;Leigh B.Lentile;Grizelle González
Characterizing Forest Fragments in Boreal,Temperate,and Tropical Ecosystems
Arjan J.H.Meddens;Andrew T.Hudak;Jeffrey S.Evans;William A.Gould;Grizelle González
Forest Structure and Downed Woody Debris in Boreal,Temperate,and Tropical Forest Fragments
William A.Gould;Grizelle González;Andrew T.Hudak;Teresa Nettleton Hollingsworth;Jamie Hollingsworth
Decay of Aspen(Populus tremuloides Michx.)Wood in Moist and Dry Boreal,Temperate,and Tropical Forest Fragments
Grizelle González;William A.Gould;Andrew T.Hudak;Teresa Nettleton Hollingsworth
The Role of Nurse Trees in Mitigating Fire Effects on Tropical Dry Forest Restoration:A Case Study
Ricardo J.Santiago-García;Sandra Molina Coloón;Phillip Sollins;Skip J.Van Bloem
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Synergisms among Fire,Land Use,and Climate Change in the Amazon
Mark A.Cochrane;William F.Laurance