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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
2003 Issue 7
Marine Ecosystem Appropriation in the Indo-Pacific: A Case Study of the Live Reef Fish Food Trade
Kimberley Warren-Rhodes;Yvonne Sadovy;Herman Cesar
Forest Cover of Insular Southeast Asia Mapped from Recent Satellite Images of Coarse Spatial Resolution
Hans-Jürgen Stibig;Jean-Paul Malingreau
Desert Locust Control in Ecologically Sensitive Areas: Need for Guidelines
Staffan Wiktelius;Jonas Ard(o);Thord Fransson
Effective Biological Control of Salvinia molesta in the Senegal River by Means of the Weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae
Arnold H.Pieterse;Marianne Kettunen;Sara Diouf;Ismael Ndao;Khady Sarr;Anne Tarvainen;Sandra Kloff;Seppo Hellsten
Flooding Patterns of the Okavango Wetland in Botswana between 1972 and 2000
Jenny M.McCarthy;Thomas Gumbricht;Terence McCarthy;Philip Frost;Konrad Wessels;Frank Seidel
Loss of Plant Species Richness and Habitat Connectivity in Grasslands Associated with Agricultural Change in Finland
Miska Luoto;Seppo Rekolainen;Jyrki Aakkula;Juha Pyk(a)l(a)
Hair Element Concentrations in Females in One Acid and One Alkaline Area in Southern Sweden
Ingegerd Rosborg;Bengt Nihlg(ao)rd;Lars Gerhardsson
Organic Mercury Levels among the Yanomama of the Brazilian Amazon Basin
Kimberly Anne Sing;Daniel Hryhorczuk;Giovanni Saffirio;Thomas Sinks;Daniel C.Paschal;John Sorensen;Edwin H.Chen