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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
2000 Issue 8
Rainwater Harvesting Agriculture: An Integrated System for Water Management on Rainfed Land in China’s Semiarid Areas
Fengrui Li; Seth Cook; Gordon T. Geballe; William R. Burch Jr
Environmental Impact of Small-scale and Artisanal Gold Mining in Southern Ecuador Implications for the Setting of Environmental Standards and for the Management of Small-scale Mining Operations
N. Hakan Tarras-Wahlberg; Adriana Flachier; Goran Fredriksson Stuart Lane; Bo Lundberg; Olof Sangfors
Soil Sustainability in Renewable Biomass Plantings
Linda Mann Virginia Tolbert
The Indigenous Bamboo Forests of Ethiopia: An Overview
Kassahun Embaye
The Taita Hills Forest Remnants: A Disappearing World Heritage
Lucie RogoInternational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology ; P. O. Box 30772; Nairobi; Kenya. E-mail: lrogo@icipe.orgNicholas OgugeDepartment of Zoology; KenyattaUniversity; PO Box 43844; Nairobi;Kenya.
World Water Vision: Balancing Thoughts after The Hague
Dajun ShenChina Institute of Water Resources andHydropower Research;20 Chegongzhuang Xilu;Beijing 100044;ChinaE-mail: shendj@maiLiwhr.comOlli VarisHelsinki University of Technology;PO Box 5300;FIN-02015Espoo;FinlandE-mail: olli.varis@hut.fi
Ingestion of Nitrate from Well Water by Village People in Indonesia
Geoffrey D. SmithDivision of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Faculty of Science; The Australian National University; Canberra; A.C. T 0200; Australia E-mail: geoffrey.smith@anu.edu.au Robbert WetselaarDivision of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Faculty of Science; The Australian National University; Canberra; A.C.T0200; AustraliaJames J. FoxDepartment of Anthropology; Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies; The Australian National University; Canberra; A.C.T0200; Australia Deny HidayatiIndonesian Institute of Sciences; Centre for Population and Manpower Studies; Gedung mdyagraha LIPIU 10; Jl. Gatot Subroto 10; Jakarta 12190; IndonesiaHerry YogaswaraIndonesian Institute of Sciences; Centrefor Population and Manpower Studies;Gedung Mdyagraha LIPI Lt. 10; JLGatot Subroto 10; Jakarta 12190;Indonesia
Conservation and Preservation through Community Participation in Two Indian Projects: A Policy Perspective
Sachchidanand JhaDepartment of BiologyUniversity of Massachusetts; Boston100 Morrissey Blvd.Boston; MA 02125-3393USAE-mail: sjha21@yahoo.com
The Anaga Park: An Access to the Root of Tenerife Island, Canary Archipelago, Spain
Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Losada Departamento de Edafologlay Geologia Facultad de Biologia Universidad de La Laguna 38206 La Laguna; Tenerife Canary Islands; SpainJesus Martinez-FriasDepartamento de GeologiaMuseo Nacional de Ciencias Natarales;CSIC c/o Jose Gutierrez Abascal; 228006 Madrid; SpainE-mail: martinezfrias@mnen;csic.es
Fluxes of Methane and Carbon Dioside on Peat-mining Areas in Sweden
Ingvar Sundh; Mats Nilsson; Catharina Mikkela; Gunnar Granberg; Bo H. Svensson
Carbon Flux and Patterns of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in the Selva Lacandona, Mexico
Ben H.J. De Jong; Susana Ochoa-Gaona; Miguel Angel Castillo-Santiago; Neptali Ramirez-Marcial; Michael A.Cairns
The Economic Value of Controlling an Invasive Shrub
Erika Zavaleta