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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
1999 Issue 4
Mercury in Human and Environmental Samples from Two Lakes in Amapa, Brazilian Amazon
Jean Remy Davee Guimaraes;Anne-Helene Fostier;Maria Cristina Forti;Jose Adolfo Melfi;Helena Kehrig;Jane Beatriz Narvaez Mauro;Olaf Malm;Jose Francisco Krug
Mercury Pollution in the Upper Beni River, Amazonian Basin: Bolivia
Laurence Maurice-BourgoinJrma Quiroga;Jean Loup Guyot;Olaf Malm
Contamination Sources in Latvia: Levels of Organochlorines in Perch (Perca fluviatilis )from Rivers Daugava and Lielupe
Karlis Valters; Anders Olsson; Maris Vitinsh; Ake Bergman
The Environmental Status of the Baltic Sea in the 1940s, Today,and in the Future
Bengt-Owe Jansson Kristina Dahlberg
Agricultural Development and Nutrient Flows in the Baltic States and Sweden after 1988
Stefan L6fgren;Arne Gustafson;Staffan Steineck;Per Stahlnacke
Modeling Runoff to the Baltic Sea
L. Phil Graham
Protective Forest Systems in China:Current Status, Problems and Perspectives
Jarkko Koskela; Olavi Luukkanen
The Capacity of Forest Soil to Absorb Anthropogenic N
Trine A. Sogn; Arne O. Stuanes;Gunnar Abrahamsen
From Acid Rain to Toxic Snow Volvo Environmental Prize Lecture 1998
David Schindler
Forward to the Future:A Conceptual Framework for Water Dependence
Malin Falkenmark
Climate-response Functions
Robert Mendelsohn Michael E. Schlesinger
Sustainable Development in Dry Climates:The Mediterranean Area
Eliel Steen
Imminent Collapse of the Caspian Sea Stellate Sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus): Evidence from the Iranian Fishery
Me/id/ Moghim Fisheries Research Centre of Mazandaran Province Sari; IranJohn D. NeilsonDepartment of Fisheries and OceansBiological StationSt. Andrews; New BrunswickCanada EOG 2X0
Interdisciplinary Research on the Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Ing-Marie GrenBeijer International Institute ofEcological EconomicsRoyal Swedish Academy of SciencesP.O. 00X50005S-104 05 Stockholm; SwedenDepartment of EconomicsSwedish University of AgriculturalSciencesP.O. Box 7013S-750 07 Uppsala; SwedenClifford RusselInstitute for Public Policy StudiesVanderbilt University120718th Avenue SouthNashville; Tennessee 37212; USA
Man-made Versus Natural Climate Change
Wlbjorn KarlenDepartment of Physical GeographyErland Kallen Department of MeteorologyHennlng Rodhe Department of MeteorologyJan BackmanDepartment of Geology andGeochemistryStockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm; Sweden
A Cheap Way to Control N2O in Agriculture
Gamini Senevlratne Biological Nitrogen Fixation Project Institute of Fundamental Studies Hantana Road; Kandy; Sri Lanka.