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Population Research
2016 Issue 5
ren kou xin xing shi yu ren kou yan jiu
wang pei an ;
Parenthood and Subjective Well-being: A Life-Cycle and Life-Course Perspective
Li Ting;Fan Wenting;Center for Population and Development Studies;Renmin University of China;School of Sociology and Population Studies;Remin University;
Unintentional Injuries of Children in China :Effects of Mother’s Characteristics and of Mother as Main Caregiver
Song Jian;Zhou Yuxiang;Center for Population and Development Studies;Renmin University of China;School of Sociology and Population Studies;Renmin University of China;
Intergenerational Relationships and Their New Changes in Contemporary China
Wang Yuesheng;Institute of Population and Labor Economics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Trends in Internal Migration and Mobility: International Experiences and Their Implications for China
Zhu Yu;Lin Liyue;Ke Wenqian;Center for Population and Development Research;Fujian Normal University;School of Geography;Fujian Normal University;
Social Inclusion Confidence Index for Migrants: Compilation and Application
Yang Jianglan;Wang Jie;Xue Haijiao;Li Hua;Center for Population and Development Studies;Renmin University of China;Agricultural University of Hebei;Tianjin University of Finance Economics;Hebei University;
Determinants of Social Isolation of the Chinese Elderly
Zhang Wenjuan;Liu Ruiping;Center for Population and Development Studies;Renmin University of China;Center for Population and Development Studies;Renmin University of China;
Intergenerational Investment and Intergenerational Economic Support of the Rural Elderly: Intergenerational Cooperation and Family Utility
Hu Shiyong;Shi Renbing;School of Politics and Administration;Wuhan University of Technology;School Sociology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;