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Journal of Software
2000 Issue 5
Accurate Baum-Welch Algorithm Free from Overflow
JIA Bin;ZHU Xiao-yan;LUO Yu-pin;HU Dong-cheng
A Framework for Analyzing Object-Oriented Programs Based on Class Hierarchy Graph
LI Bi-xin;LIANG Jia;ZHANG Yong-xiang;FAN Xiao-cong;ZHENG Guo-liang
Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm with Fault-Tolerance
QIN Xiao;HAN Zong-fen;PANG Li-ping;LI Sheng-li
Modeling Object Relationships in Programming Language
WAN Jian-cheng;ZHANG Shu-ming
Spatial Data Classification Based on Rough Set
SHI Yun;SUN Yu-fang;ZUO Chun
Field Theory Based Adaptive Resonance Neural Network Classifier
ZHOU Zhi-hua;CHEN Zhao-qian;CHEN Shi-fu
Bayesian Network for Data Mining
MU Chun-di;DAI Jian-bin;YE Jun
A Scheduling and Dropping Algorithm for Packets in QoS Controlling
WANG Xiao-chun;ZHANG Yao-xue
Flow Dependence Analysis for VLIW Architectures
RONG Hong-bo;TANG Zhi-zhong
Design and Implementation of an Agent-Based Firewall System
Component Metrics in Jade Bird Component Library System
MEI Hong;XIE Tao;YUAN Wang-hong;YANG Fu-qing
Performance Analysis for Massive Problem Data Parallel Computing
SHU Ji-wu;ZHENG Wei-min;SHEN Mei-ming;WANG Dong-sheng
Reversible DCT Mapping Integers to Integers and Lossless Image Compression
YAN Yu-song;SHI Qing-yun
Research on a New Type Integrated Security System
MENG Yang;LIU Ke-long;QING Si-han
From Petri Nets to Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Engineering
LUO Jun-zhou;SHEN Jun;GU Guan-qun
On Liveness and Safeness of Asymmetric Choice Nets
ZHEN Qiang;LU Wei-ming
Abuses of Ajtai-Dwork Cryptosystem
An Application of Domain Theory to Logical Design of VLSI Circuits
SUN Yong;HU Yi